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How does this happen????? LOL


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so in order to fix the problem we need to take it out on the kids of tomorrow? find other areas to cut taxes or if they can't afford it, move to a place with cheaper taxes (which will most likely have a failing school district)

(yes i realize moving is very expensive and a completely irrational thought to the statement...)

My feeling is that soooo many taxes are forced upon me that if I have a chance to "vote" on one, I don't want to do it. The other piece is that they've built some huge, beautiful new schools and muni buildings around here (Springboro, but Mason is even worse), and now they have to figure out how to pay for them. Cutting busing is (IMHO) a way to slap the parents on the wrist, in the hopes that they'll vote FOR the levy next time.

I live on a budget, and would like to see the schools do the same. Don't build the huge building with great architecture, then hit me every two years to pay for it. I'm tired of the government (and schools) viewing me as their ATM. Tired of it.

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