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anyone use E Cigarettes


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A coworker of mine used one ... he still smokes

The people I know who have quit ... they just decided to quit and that was it

even if i jsut kept smoking the E Cig id be better off, no tar, tobacco, carcinogens, and no smell..

its about half the price of real smokes from what little research i have done, so there is a money savings too.

id just like something to kick start things for me.

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I had a friend of mine that got one of these (not sure the brand though, sorry) so he could "smoke" inside work in meetings. Yeah, he actually did this. He loves it. He said he tends to "smoke" less and it ends up being cheaper. He said it is great when it is cold outside too, because you don't have to freeze your ass off to get a fix.

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My Wife's parents smoked multiple packs a day for many many years. Mother in law got diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago and quit, father in law used an e-cig that we bought at Polaris mall for about two months and then quit.

Mother in law is fine now. Chemo therapy and radiation and still not smoking.

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even if i jsut kept smoking the E Cig id be better off, no tar, tobacco, carcinogens, and no smell..

its about half the price of real smokes from what little research i have done, so there is a money savings too.

id just like something to kick start things for me.

The government don't like them cuz they aren't getting the big tax revenue off them so there gas been talk of taxing the e cig also. Price might not stay as cheap.

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Rosso sells them.

PM Sent ;)

I'm surprised Rosso hasn't chimed in yet too...
rosso you need to chime in anytime you dumb italian..

Sheez guys, I just now logged in and saw this thread! LOL!

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Since this thread was not started by me as an advertisement,

I feel its safe to post my website link :D.... http://www.ecofriendlysmokes.com

I'm pushing the South Beach Smokes, but the one many of you guys have seen

me smoking is from Blu Cig. I sell either one via links on the site listed above.

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...so far im thinking of going with.. www.blucig.com

Thats the one I use myself as a "demo". Nothing sells a product like seeing it in use!

Just ask Moose, I was smoking it at Dave & Busters Saturday night at our table at the bar

and our waiter asked me about them and took a card.

If you'd like to see it in person let me know since I have the blu's.

I don't actually stock anything though, I sell them strictly as an "affiliate" thru their website.

I direct customers to their site via my link, they sell it and ship it, I get a commission. Pretty simple.

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Ok i gotta ask does these things really work...My wife quit smoking after 20yrs of it..She just quit.I tried with her at the same time but Failed unlike her who is still going strong.I would be so interested in this but im skeptic....

First, let me clear up one common misconception...

- eCigs are NOT sold as a smoking cessation product

- They make no claims to help you quit smoking

The companies have to say this for legal reasons.

Having said that, let me tell you that YES they can and will help you quit smoking, or at least lessen your dependence on the real thing.

You gotta remember that you have to WANT to quit.

The smokers wanting to quit have to deal with two things...

- the "mental" addiction

- the "physical" addiction

Ecigs help with both! Ecigs provide you with nicotine to help with the physical addiction and the mental addiction part is obvious,

you still get to hold a cig, suck on a cig, and blow smoke. Well, something that appears like smoke.

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A coworker of mine used one ... he still smokes

The people I know who have quit ... they just decided to quit and that was it

This! You have to seriously make up your mind that you are done. It doesnt hurt to make yourself sick on them the night before you stop too.

The government don't like them cuz they aren't getting the big tax revenue off them so there gas been talk of taxing the e cig also. Price might not stay as cheap.

That would be completely stupid. Might as well tax candy cigarettes too.

If you want to quit, you have to get yourself in the right mindset, pick a day, throw away the cigs and be a miserable asshole for a few days until the physical addiction wears off.

After that, its all mental, so dont be a needy bitch. Put on your man pants, tough it out and know that it gets a little easier day by day, week by week, year by year, but the urge never completely goes away.

Thats the pebble in your shoe that you get to carry around to remind you of how hard it was to quit so you wont start up again.

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This! You have to seriously make up your mind that you are done.

I don't disagree with you one bit. However, not everyone has the mental stamina to just stop, others need help whether it be nicorette gum, a patch, a ecig or something else.

You gotta remember that you have to WANT to quit.

I smoked for many years. I quit cold-turkey. I smoke the ecigs purely as a sales tool :D


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