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where can i buy biodiesel?


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Lies Porter! We sell straight bio or what ever mix you want. Obliously we wont deliver five or ten gallons in the semi but you can pick it up anytime.

You're not exactly right around the corner from Hoblick, though. You also weren't on the list that I found for retail.

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well that sucks cuz we are associated with that company too we have alot of their advertising stuff. ill have to look into that and see maybe we just didnt get updated on their map?

Yeah, might be a good idea to get listed there, it's one of the first results that came up on a google search. It might drive more business for you!

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there are different types of bio diesel also. not all bio is made from french fry oil. typically that is fairly dirty and sometimes can cause problemls with filters. we sell soy based bio its way cleaner and you arent as hungry after dealing with it :D

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there are different types of bio diesel also. not all bio is made from french fry oil. typically that is fairly dirty and sometimes can cause problemls with filters. we sell soy based bio its way cleaner and you arent as hungry after dealing with it :D

From what I understand, the commercially available Bio is not from waste vegetable oil. There are some potential problems from switching back and forth between Bio, and petrol, (in vehicles) which varies by application. One example is the VW injection pump head o-ring. When switching from bio back to petrol, the ring can shrink causing problems with the pump keeping primed.

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if you are running straight 100% bio i can see problems happening. but running anything more than about 10 - 15% is really a waste, after that you dont see any real improvements in anything. we sell blends. you tell us what percent you want and we make it and bring it.

straight bio diesel will turn to jelly in cold weather. so 2-5% is about all you want to have heading into this time of year.

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if you are running straight 100% bio i can see problems happening. but running anything more than about 10 - 15% is really a waste, after that you dont see any real improvements in anything. we sell blends. you tell us what percent you want and we make it and bring it.

straight bio diesel will turn to jelly in cold weather. so 2-5% is about all you want to have heading into this time of year.

But, when it's homemade, from WVO, there is a significant cost savings! ;)

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if you are running straight 100% bio i can see problems happening. but running anything more than about 10 - 15% is really a waste, after that you dont see any real improvements in anything. we sell blends. you tell us what percent you want and we make it and bring it.

straight bio diesel will turn to jelly in cold weather. so 2-5% is about all you want to have heading into this time of year.

most of the forums i have read on say 5% kerosene 95% bioD burns great.. thats just enough Kero i guess to get it to fire.. but ill probably run 10 or 15% on my first batch and go down from there.

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