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personal aircraft and law enforcement. (leo input requested)


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I'm considering designing and building my own personal aircraft.

I am curious how law enforcement would react to a small personalized aircraft. Capable of point to point transport via VTOL and a rheudamentary 3 wheel drive system for moving about on the ground (maybe even bicycle based ground movement)

I live in a small township a dozen miles from a small town. My intent for building this craft is for personal transport to town and other places that are short range trips nearby.

If I were to build such a contraption, and fly it, how would local law enforcement react? would I be tracked down and arrested, or ignored?

(assuming I don't crash, land in parking lots, don't invade airport airspace, etc etc...)

I'd particularly like to hear from the leos on the board, but everyone's comments are welcome of course.

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I'm thinking something like this....


:lol: I was searching for different types of personal aircraft after reading your thread and saw that picture. I didn't feel like posting it up and derail the thread.

Anyways, have fun with your endeavor. Remember to keep a parachute on!

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Cities tend to have restrictions on VTOL within city limits. Columbus requires a permit in advance. I saw a privately operated helicopter pilot arrested for that. For landing on private property. Apparently it doesn't apply to Med Flights.

FAA takes a dim view of landing anything on public roadways.

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:lol: I was searching for different types of personal aircraft after reading your thread and saw that picture. I didn't feel like posting it up and derail the thread.

Anyways, have fun with your endeavor. Remember to keep a parachute on!

I doubt he'd be hitting altitudes high enough for a parachute to even get open and slow his fall

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My friend and I have had this idea for a while... But we plan to start on something simple. A homemade hang glider. However, for the vtol thingamajig, you wouldn't believe how much power you need to pack on that, and how efficiently you need to convert that to lift, for it to actually be effective. That's why the dam twin copter thing is 6 mil...

I'll let you in on my design ace in my sleeve though: a Busa plant. Or any other 14 superbike engine...

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There is a weight limit for aircraft for needing a license first off. Beyond that you need to make sure the property you are landing at has a permit for it (think commercial real estate etc.). There was someone around me who used to have a VTOL, all I know is he doesn't fly anymore. He was in a development if I remember correctly and couldn't get a permit for his land. These tips are only from personal experience from talking to people though, I don't have any direct experince with what you are trying to do. Your best bet is read...a lot. There is a lot of red tape with aircraft, so I would use the links already provided and local/state laws as guides.

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it's probably easier to simply irradiate yourself in a chamber with a bird, and gain its powers of flight. then you can tell FAA to fuck itself, and flap-flap-flap away furiously til it turns purple. just don't let it turn black. you don't want to know what happens when it goes that far.

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Local leos probably wouldn't even know what to do.

Part of the reason I asked for their input... scratch their heads and ask me what it is? then laugh when i say bicycle with very large air conditioning unit.

c'mon , your not freakin Orville or Wilbur Wright, or trying to get off Gilligan's Island. this is obviously a joke.

not a joke, an actual aspiration, who doesn't want to fly sometimes?

Wouldn't this fall under Federal jurisdiction? FAA? Not sure a beat cop can give you much input.

my thoughts' date=' but local cops are responsible for enforcement, would they call federal agens who would fly out and intercept?

you wouldn't believe how much power you need to pack on that, and how efficiently you need to convert that to lift, for it to actually be effective. That's why the dam twin copter thing is 6 mil...

I'll let you in on my design ace in my sleeve though: a Busa plant. Or any other 14 superbike engine...

i've seen personal choppers at 50 hp, i think a modern 600cc would be sufficient, and a modern 1000 would be ample, but yes I was thinking aluminum bike motor as well

it's probably easier to simply irradiate yourself in a chamber with a bird, and gain its powers of flight. then you can tell FAA to fuck itself, and flap-flap-flap away furiously til it turns purple. just don't let it turn black. you don't want to know what happens when it goes that far.

:lol: love it

I just want to be there for the first flight. Magzfest2011?

unfortunately I cannot imagine it being done by then. (maybe not even started)

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