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personal aircraft and law enforcement. (leo input requested)


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what happens when you're called in? what's the protocol? who approaches you? how do they approach you? what questions do they ask?

and why are you automatically assuming I'll be unsafe/ landing on roads?

parking lots maybe, but not roads.

and what are the odds I'll see a plane? I don't see planes out here hardly at all. why would they assume my little chopper is unsafe?

Magz is gonna play the "this isn't the droid pilot you're looking for"-card. :lol:

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I like this guys idea. That segway gyroscope technology can be used for a lot of things and exploited.

As long as you don't go over any cliffs...yeah, you should be just fine.

What? Too soon?

Edited by Cypress
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The owner of the company, Jimi Heselden, died in a Segway crash early on Sunday. He had taken over control of the company earlier in the year. While riding the vehicle, he accidentally steered it over a 30 foot cliff and into a river while he was riding on his estate. Although the exact cause of his death is still unknown at this time, it is ironic that the man who bought the company died riding the vehicle.


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This guy was able to do it with a 440cc engine.


I like this guys idea. That segway gyroscope technology can be used for a lot of things and exploited.

actually the segway wasn't developed to be a segway. DEKA developed the balancing technology for other purposes and made the segway to offset development costs

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A friend that lives practically in my back yard (ok, more like 1/2 mile or so across the field) has an "experimental" aircraft. He said the rules are fairly lax on the aircraft itself. I'll try to remember to ask him about flight regs. I do know that he recently flew it about 600 miles away and back.

Edited by jporter12
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A friend that lives practically in my back yard (ok, more like 1/2 mile or so across the field) has an "experimental" aircraft. He said the rules are fairly lax on the aircraft itself. I'll try to remember to ask him about fight regs. I do know that he recently flew it about 600 miles away and back.

Why would you ask a pilot about fight regs?

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I work in law enforcement but have very little to offer on the subject their is a tiny airstrip in my jurisdiction but the only dealings I’ve had with it was "Deer vs. Airplane" landing crash (the deer lost....BIG TIME). When I dealt with that their was all kinds of extra paperwork due to the FAA. I would recommend starting with their Ohio office or "google" it. Hope that helps some.

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thanks al, Would you approach a helicopter such as this if it had just landed in a grocery store parking lot? If so, what would you say to the operator?

I envision you walking with groceries back to your bird and swat/fbi/cia/faa/homeland security swarm in with black suburbans and guns drawn. couple of jets do low altitude fly bys. you drop your grocery bags and shit your pants. nice.

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I envision you walking with groceries back to your bird and swat/fbi/cia/faa/homeland security swarm in with black suburbans and guns drawn. couple of jets do low altitude fly bys. you drop your grocery bags and shit your pants. nice.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

awesome mental picture...

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thanks al, Would you approach a helicopter such as this if it had just landed in a grocery store parking lot? If so, what would you say to the operator?

I watched a helicopter pilot get arrested for landing in an open field inside the Columbus city limits. Columbus already had a law for that. The owner of the land called the police. Pilot arrested. FAA called. Because of that one incident back in the early 90s, most of the smaller towns around Columbus quickly passed or considered new laws to limit VTOL landing inside their city limits. They didn't have such laws before.

I have an aircraft airframe and powerplant license (inactive). I was at a small airport in Miami showing a pilot friend things to watch out for on his engine, before we went for a flight. An FAA dude walked over and wanted to know what I was doing. Wrong answers, and I would have been in trouble. I didn't have the license yet, at that time. I told the truth, I already knew exactly what my limits were. A pilot is allowed to inspect his engine, and not much more. I think the FAA dude was having a slow day. They don't see people or pilots pop the engine cover/panel and look around very often, I guess.

Rules are different for home built aircraft built by the pilot. Mostly depends on how and where you get the engine from. And certain other parts as well. It varies. It's all about air flight safety, yours and everyone elses.

If I remember right... An odd rule about helicopters is that the pilot is allowed to land almost anywhere in an emergency, and then repair almost anything himself that was broken. So if he's stuck in the out back somewhere, he can fix it and go home.

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Go out and get some real info about aviation and pilot training, and then head to the airport to learn how to fly. You're probably 50% likely (just my SWAG) to kill yourself flying something you build from scratch without any training. For a helicopter, I'm putting chance for a fatality on the first flight at about 90-95%. You'd probably want the LEOs to know, so they could get the fire dept there, and set up a landing zone for the EMS helicopter.

Besides the FAR/AIM, which is painful to read, your best resource is probably the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Assoc.) www.eaa.org. Training for ultralights is harder to get now because the FAA f'ed everything up in that area with the sport pilot regulations, wanting to control two seat ultralights.

There are small helicopter kits out there, but they're not cheap. Lots of high precision moving parts.

IIRC the rule for off airport landings is that you can land anywhere where it's not prohibited by local laws, provided you don't pose a risk to anyone on the ground. 'course in our fear-mongering post 911 world, everyone's afraid of their own shadow, and light aircraft are seen by the ignorami (and the idiot-operated TSA) as terrorist weapons until proven otherwise.

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IIRC the rule for off airport landings is that you can land anywhere where it's not prohibited by local laws, provided you don't pose a risk to anyone on the ground. 'course in our fear-mongering post 911 world, everyone's afraid of their own shadow, and light aircraft are seen by the ignorami (and the idiot-operated TSA) as terrorist weapons until proven otherwise.

ha, thanks.

I'm not looking for a kit though, I'm an engineer at heart, and if I don't design and build it myself, then I won't be happy with it.

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ha, thanks.

I'm not looking for a kit though, I'm an engineer at heart, and if I don't design and build it myself, then I won't be happy with it.

If you dont read the rules by the people that write them instead of coming on a motorcycle forum for hot air opinions, it doesnt matter what you build as your ass will be dead, fined or in jail the first time you try and fly/land somewhere you shouldnt.

If your an actual engineer, then you should understand spec sheets and should sure as hell understand that it doesnt matter what people on here say, its the written and published rules you need to read/learn/memorize/and follow. For some reason you cant seem to get that through your thick head and keep asking what if, what if, what if,

Its pretty effing aggravating to be honest and it appears that something bad needs to happen for you to actually understand. Sad but true.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Its pretty effing aggravating to be honest and it appears that something bad needs to happen for you to actually understand. Sad but true.



I think you are getting awfully worked up about a pet project of mine in the concept phase.

I realize there are regulations, but i'm not concerned with them at the moment, I'm more concerned with physics, those are the laws that are most pressing. the FAA and I may have a run-in but I can't imagine it's going to be on my first flight, or on any of my test flights. (I'm pretty much in the middle of BFE here, as likwid, and scott can attest)

The only encounters I MIGHT have are with sheriffs dept, jefferson PD, and OSHP. (assuming they spot my little device and ask me about it)

so I was asking for their procedure. standard and personal.

I appreciate all the input you've given, but if it pisses you off so bad, go to another f*cking thread. :rolleyes:

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