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Want a free copy of "The Ride So Far" by Lance Oliver?


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Want a free copy of "The Ride So Far" by Lance Oliver (aka motociclista)?




Here are some reviews:

In every line of work, there are people who are known for being at the top of their profession. These are people who, given the chance, you'd really like to emulate in your own career. For me, one such person is Lance Oliver.

The Ride So Far will have you nodding in agreement, chuckling at the absurdity, and probably laughing out loud. If you want to be a moto-journalist, you could find a worse role model than Lance Oliver.

I finished up Lance Oliver's, "The Ride So Far" and I'd describe it as a nice 'light' reading motorcycle book that just might spark a desire to put the book down and pick up the keys to your motorcycle. This was not a tech manual or round the world story...Just a guy talking about his motorcycle experiences and some of his thoughts on them. I managed to read it cover to cover over a long weekend. That's a lot faster than I read most motorcycle books so that in itself should tell you something about how I enjoyed it. It was a real pleasure to read.

Definitely a worthy book to consider if you're looking for some casual motorcycle themed reading!

This guy has ridden every road and track and every bike, and in this book he writes short, readable vignettes about each and all. You'll like his stories. I did.

—John Hermann, author of Motorcycle Journeys Through the Alps & Beyond

A total delight! I am still reading one story at a time . . . kind of like hoarding! These are great tales of motorcycle experiences, and I keep thinking "I've been there! I've done that! What great memories!"

—Neal Davis is author of "Motorcycle Journeys Through Texas and Northern Mexico

So, how do you get a copy? Well, Lance has been nice enough to give us a copy to give away. It's signed and everything. Simply post up in this thread. Sometime over the weekend we'll pick a random winner.

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diggity-diggity, count me in.

BTW, a totally random comment. I'm new to the forum, but in the short time I've always thought Casper as a wise, handsome and strapping young lad. Just thought I'd throw it out there.

Just thought I'd mentioned it now and it is not meant to sway you in any way positive or negative.

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