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Want a free copy of "The Ride So Far" by Lance Oliver?


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I'll mail the book out to the next person after I read it. I won't mess it up at all, won't read it while on the shitter, will get it mailed out in a week or so after I get it.

Yes please do mail it out. I wanna sue the post office for hosting a file share. I could make my lawyer millions.


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The weekend is not over and you drew a name before I entered, damn you ghost man.
So, how do you get a copy? Well, Lance has been nice enough to give us a copy to give away. It's signed and everything. Simply post up in this thread. Sometime over the weekend we'll pick a random winner.

Didn't say anything about the end of the weekend.

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Oh ya whiney little bitches - everyone that reads it just send him $10. That's probably more than he'll make from the publisher.

Tell ya what - I'll mail it after I'm done and I'll send him $25. Will that make ya happy?

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I know offers to share the book weren't done with malice..it was just a knee jerk offer to help a fellow OR member out. We just have to keep in mind that this is a source of income for the author..and 'sharing' benefits us...not him. It's just one of those things that you really don't think about unless it directly affects you...like herpes.

Edited by InyaAzz
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I appreciate those who were concerned about costing me some royalties if the book were passed around. That's considerate of you. At the same time, I didn't think there was any malice involved. No harm, no foul all around.

Here's a win-win compromise. If anyone wants to read the book and feels they can't afford it, talk to your local library, convince them they absolutely have to have a copy of this great new book by an Ohio author, and then you can borrow it for free. I get at least one sale, you get a free read. :)

Let's face it, nobody gets rich writing motorcycle books under any circumstances.

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