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Battery Issues


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I rode my bike to and from the shop and when I got home and turned the bike off and tried to restart it nothing, So I used a booster box and got it started and disconnected the booster and it ran like crap...So i put the battery on charge and after words had nothing from the battery...So now I have to replace the battery.

So i am wondering if there is any reason why this may happen I.E the battery just went dead

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in GENERAL, batteries have a 4-6 year life span. Considering your 2002 MC is at the upper end, the cells in the battery just can't hold the charge as well as a new one.

Now with that said, I had one last over 8 years and one only last 3.5 years.

Not sure why it ran like crap though after you got it started. Unless you weren't riding it nad just letting sit idle in the garage.

Start with the battery. If problem persists, then you'll want to check the other electrical doo-hickies.

If all is good, then invest in a $35 trickle charger if left unridden for longer than a week. It'll help keep the cells in the battery stronger. GL.

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Yea the battery is only 1 1/2 years old,And I did put it on triclke charge and the battery is shot...So once I get the battery back in I might just have to go through all the wires and check for bare wires that may me shorting the battery out...Its the only thing I know of......Any other Ideas

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I second the stator check as well.

Run the voltmeter to the battery terminals, and check the reading. Then rev the engine, above 3000rpm you should see the voltage increase. If not, your stator needs replaced. You can also check the resistance of all the wires involved in the charging system too. Check them to each other, and check them to ground as well.

Also, I heard from a reliable source that every battery maker a few years ago, had trouble with their manufacturers in China. The QC was awful I guess, and batteries from that time might be suspect. I don't know if it's improved or not in recent years.

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Motorcycle batteries seldom give much warning when they die. I usually figure they will die every 2 years, but then offroading is hard on batteries from the impacts of riding. Not to mention the occasional fall. :)

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They are actually absorbed gas mat batteries(agm batteries). Advantages: Vibration and you can mount them sideways...that is all.

They actually have less power than a conventional wet lead acid battery. The only advantage in the industrial deep cycle market is that no one can forget to put water in a $1000 set of batteries.

True gel cell batteries require a special battery charger. They don't sell this kind of battery or charger at the auto parts store or make them for bikes or cars..

Now, Lithium batteries that are the size of a pop can replacing your trucks full size battery....That's an advantage. But they cost too much now.


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"They don't sell this kind of battery or charger at the auto parts store or make them for bikes or cars."

wrong, it's called a Ctek Pony has three different ones in stock. all of which say specific for wet, sealed, agm, dry cell, calcium, and gel. i own two of these chargers.

bettery tender also sells a charger specific for the true gel battery. the only real diffrence is the charging speed, you want low amps and longer time to charge the battery, which is why you don't want to use a normal style car charger.

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