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Westboro Baptist Church Gets Tires Slashed, Locals Refuse To Perform Repairs


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I must be locked out from rep, I can't give it to Pauly, I can't give it to Jagr, wtf is this forum coming to?


The funniest thing, for me, is you guys associating me with anything remotely close to a church.

Also, from the source:

The minivan finally pulled over several blocks away in a shopping center parking lot, where AAA was called. A flatbed service truck arrived and loaded up the minivan. Assistant Police Chief Darrell Miller said the minivan was taken to Walmart for repairs.
Edited by JRMMiii
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Does a reason matter? Can you think of a good reason to protest a serviceman's funeral? Please do not respond with what you think is a "real" answer or we won't be able to see this thread on the main page too long.

I can't think of a good reason.

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Does a reason matter? Can you think of a good reason to protest a serviceman's funeral? Please do not respond with what you think is a "real" answer or we won't be able to see this thread on the main page too long.

Agree! we should get this church an the one in warsaw together an have a mass suicide.

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  • 10 months later...
why are they protesting the funeral ? anti-war people ? doesn't say why.

they say that everything bad in the world is caused by homosexuality. they say all soldiers are gay, and thats why they protest the funerals.

their website is www.godhatesfags.com

fucking nut jobs - i hope they all get massacred some day at one of these protests by a PTSD Rambo motherfucker

check this out


Perceiving the modern militant homosexual movement to pose a clear and present danger to the survival of America, exposing our nation to the wrath of God as in 1898 B.C. at Sodom and Gomorrah, WBC has conducted 46,669 such demonstrations since June, 1991, at homosexual parades and other events, including funerals of impenitent sodomites (like Matthew Shepard) and over 400 military funerals of troops whom God has killed in Iraq/Afghanistan in righteous judgment against an evil nation.

and it also says they have done protests in Iraq and Jordan.....must have been at US military facilities, you know those crazy al-qaeda wouldnt take their shit like we do lol

Edited by Steve Butters
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they say that everything bad in the world is caused by homosexuality. they say all soldiers are gay, and thats why they protest the funerals.

their website is www.godhatesfags.com

fucking nut jobs - i hope they all get massacred some day at one of these protests by a PTSD Rambo motherfucker

Why would you hope that? That is the worst thing that could happen. If that happens then it turns into a religious persecution and their cause will just get more attention and followers. You may not believe in what they stand for and neither do I but the best way to deal with this is ignore them and eventually they will go away.

Not to mention the Rambo mother fucker you mentioned would be made an example of in court.

Edited by kawi kid
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