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Cleveland guys and gals


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Hey guys/gals. I've been hearing from lots of people in the Cleveland area wishing there was a website for them. There is! Its right here! I've been trying to tell as many of them as I can, but I need your help. Pass the word along. Use MySpace, Craigslist, whatever. Put up a little flier at your local bike shop. The more Ohioans we have on here the better.

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WTF? there were like two more lines to that post?!

I also said, I put the logo/link up on my sig on a few local boards I'm on, and some other national ones as well. I've got a few friends who lurk, and one, as soon as she gets her bike says she'll post. says she feels stupid posting with no bike HI SARAH! :D

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WTF? there were like two more lines to that post?!

I also said, I put the logo/link up on my sig on a few local boards I'm on, and some other national ones as well. I've got a few friends who lurk, and one, as soon as she gets her bike says she'll post. says she feels stupid posting with no bike HI SARAH! :D

Hahaha!!! There are a bunch of people on here without bikes *cough* whodey *cough*.

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Uhm, no drugs were involved homeslice. That's why the autopsy was inconclusive.

Police say that Mr Ledger was been found surrounded by as many as six prescription drugs - including pills to treat insomnia and anxiety and an antihistamine

The New York Medical Examiner’s office, meanwhile, says initial autopsy tests on Ledger’s body have proved inconclusive, warning that it may be 10 days or longer before full toxicology results are available

The Autopsy was inconclusive because it takes more time for the toxicology results.

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Police say that Mr Ledger was been found surrounded by as many as six prescription drugs - including pills to treat insomnia and anxiety and an antihistamine

The New York Medical Examiner’s office, meanwhile, says initial autopsy tests on Ledger’s body have proved inconclusive, warning that it may be 10 days or longer before full toxicology results are available

The Autopsy was inconclusive because it takes more time for the toxicology results.

That's weird. On CNN they said drugs were not involved. WTF?

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The cleveland crew is definitely lacking in anything that resembles organizational skills compared to the columbus crew.

hell, the last time I tried to meet up with anyone from the board I ended up in the hospital!

What the hell happened???????

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Cleveland area, well more like strongsville right by brunswick. as far as cleveland goes, unless you are a stunter or a harley guy, you aint finding shit!! hell getting to meet people who wanna do more then primp and prep in thier mirrors at bike nights!:lol:

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