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I just edited because I post on other forums and they moderate swearing..plus some people have filters at work.

As far as the ride goes...i like to do coordinated group rides...some experienced riders...some in experienced..no one gets left behind though. And we all ride safe (LOL for the most part). I encourage gear...cause if you dump it, I don't want to scrape you off the ground. etc etc etc. It's fun though, and a good way to make some friends.

Yeah, I try not to think about the thousands of dollars ive spent on gear and the whatnot... I layed my 250 down at the beginning of last season, and if i wasnt wearing my leather, the asphalt streak on my jacket would be a nice scar down the length of my forearm. Anyone know how to get a mark like that off of a jacket?

Im going to try to get in on the March of Dimes ride on March 30th (depending on weather). From what ive heard it leaves out of Parmatown mall.

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Im going to try to get in on the March of Dimes ride on March 30th (depending on weather). From what ive heard it leaves out of Parmatown mall.

I have been looking for info on that event but i cant find any info at all. Can u tell me where u got the info or just pm the info to me. thank you

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(Double Edit) And I am defentely down to do a meetup somewhere (QSL valley view is good for me) before the weather turns nice to get aquainted with each other. I am really hurting to find a solid group of good riders. I really want to work on my group ride skills and get with a group of guys on a consistant basis to ride together (as in coordinated and not just on the same road at the same place at the same time, if ya know what I mean.)

Do you know the standard hand signals? That's a must on any ride I captain or am involved in. I don't like to get anal and point out every pebble on the road, but you can never have too much info.

Plus if anyone has a chatterbox...bring em. They are GREAT to have on group rides.

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Yeah, i know the basics, Ive read them but i havnt used all of them or had the chance to use them all (when it comes to signals like i need gas, or piss break) but signals for hazards, cops, lane position and whatnot are a bit more commonly used.

how much are chatterboxes?

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Whoops! I missed this post.

I am in Beachwood Tue and Thu of every week. Those days work best.

We could meet up tomorrow at QSL and watch the race at Daytona. That is, of course, assuming I don't get stupid again and try to fight a snow drift with my jeep and lose.

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We could meet up tomorrow at QSL and watch the race at Daytona. That is, of course, assuming I don't get stupid again and try to fight a snow drift with my jeep and lose.

scratch that, I just realized that the 200 was today AND I forgot to record it.

this really has not been a good weekend for me.

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We could meet up tomorrow at QSL and watch the race at Daytona. That is, of course, assuming I don't get stupid again and try to fight a snow drift with my jeep and lose.

Tomorrow is bad..i've got to try and get the kids out for some sledding, plus I see many hours of digging myself out of my own driveway. Any day this week should work , except the weekends..every weekend in march has me out of town.

Stay out of those drifts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I would say that we should just bomb places with Ohioriders stickers, but then it may just flood the forum with dumbasses. We need somewhere that we can recruit members that dont have their heads up their asses. Maybe we just need to take the risk and post up flyers at all the local bike shops and hangout places...

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Yeah, I would say that we should just bomb places with Ohioriders stickers, but then it may just flood the forum with dumbasses. We need somewhere that we can recruit members that dont have their heads up their asses. Maybe we just need to take the risk and post up flyers at all the local bike shops and hangout places...

No matter how the site is promoted you always run the risk of dumbasses joining. However with the people that are on this forum i know there would not be an issue telling that person they are an asshole and after so much shit they would leave. Basically I say fuck it run the risk and then run damage control by letting people know if they are a dick.

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No matter how the site is promoted you always run the risk of dumbasses joining. However with the people that are on this forum i know there would not be an issue telling that person they are an asshole and after so much shit they would leave. Basically I say fuck it run the risk and then run damage control by letting people know if they are a dick.

I ride with Detroit Sport Bikes...and we get a few assholes now and then. And like you said..they eventually get weeded out. It's the nature of the beast.

I am going to start looking at the calendar and planning some rides here this weekend. Assholes need not apply. And don't get me wrong, we (me) get stupid sometimes and like to spray the throttle, but you won't see me attracting attention to myself by doing a stand up wheelie on a packed highway or doing 120 with cagers all around me. You gotta pick and choose your spots.Back roads? Have at it. Highway or most streets in general? Use common sense.

And by the way, no one gets left behind on my rides. If the people in the front wanna get on the throttle for a bit..cool...but I'm always checking for the people in the rear...and at some point we'll wait for everyone to catch up. It's no fun for the slower riders to get left and have to ride by themselves. Having said that...if you're a slower rider, at some point, my brake lights will be a faint and distant glimmer. :)

And..like I said...it's all about picking and choosing your spots to spray it. I'm a twistie man myself, so anywhere I can find some corners to lay it down, I'm happy. Unfortunately, NE Ohio is devoid of twisties...so if we are going on one of those type of rides, be prepared to leave the Cleveland area.

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Heading South East, or Heading South West? I'm already on the Westside. I occassionally like to ride down to see the folks in Mansfield and cruise through the Mohican area. I've never ridden in a 'pack' before (aside from my brother and dad) so I'll assume I'm one of the slow guys (and I'll be especially slow through the twisties until I'm comfortable throwing the 'busa around). But since I'll either have my g/f with me or riding on her own GS500F, I'd like to find some people to ride with that'll have some more eye-candy along and be more accomodating to a slower crowd, since I'll be forced to, whether I like it or not.

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