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Heading South East, or Heading South West? I'm already on the Westside. I occassionally like to ride down to see the folks in Mansfield and cruise through the Mohican area. I've never ridden in a 'pack' before (aside from my brother and dad) so I'll assume I'm one of the slow guys (and I'll be especially slow through the twisties until I'm comfortable throwing the 'busa around). But since I'll either have my g/f with me or riding on her own GS500F, I'd like to find some people to ride with that'll have some more eye-candy along and be more accomodating to a slower crowd, since I'll be forced to, whether I like it or not.

Don't worry about speed..like I said there are all different levels of riders. I demand that everyone ride at their own comfort level. The minute you try and play catch up to someone who is more experienced, bad things happen. I normally don't go on rides where it's all balls to the wall either...usually in spurts where there is no danger from oncoming traffic or where visibility is so good you can see any problems before they become problems.

The back roads to Mansfield are good ..but from what I hear the best roads or south east of here. Unfortunately, after a day of spirited riding and twisties..I'm not looking forward to a 3 hour ride home. So the SE Ohio rides will not be the norm. I'm trying to find something closer to home for all of us NE riders . Routes that don't take too much time getting to/from.

Girlfriends are encouraged! It''s hard to tell your girl (if she has a bike and likes to ride) that she can't come. Blue Shark brought his wife and rode her on back on the only ride we had last year. I had my girlfriend at the time plus Shitty Gixxer's girl was there too. It sucks being the only female..so I don't want to exclude anyone. The more people we get together on a regular basis, the more fun we're going to have.

A good 'get to know each other' spot might be one of the QSL bike nights...either Valley View or Sheffield. Either one works for me (of course Sheffield is closer to home, but I work in Beachwood and Strongsville).

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Sheffield QSL is 5 miles from my house, but I drove by one night... typically the "cruiser bike" crowd. Maybe I'm making the situation out worse than it is, but it seemed more the "anti-sportbike" vibe versus "as long as you're on two wheel you're cool w/ us" vibe.

But being close to home, Sheffield would be optimal for me.

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It is a mostly cruiser crowd..but there are almost as many sport bikes. If you drove by, and didn't come in, you missed the sportbikes. We park em in the back. There are usually rows of em...You can't see em from the road...maybe from 90..but not from the main road.

I don't make many of em..and I usually dont stay long. What usually happens is someone gets antsy and decides to go terrorize the town, and we end up taking a ride somewhere. I ended up with a tank slapper at about 90MPH, on I90 when someone brake checked me. I have no idea how I kept the bike on the road.

Anyways..it's not as bad as you think.

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Like i said i would be more than happy to come up your guys way and ride. I, like JRMiii, i am not balls to the wall and am very conservative rider so if i go he will have someone with him all the time :)

I just want to get out and meet some good people and good riders, not people of the squid type.

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It would be cool to head down to Mansfield for some races this year, camp out or get in on some rooms with a group of people. I feel the same way. If I am going a good distance to some twisties, I would much rather take the expressway there. That is unless there are good roads in route.

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Im down for some rides this year, however i am pretty active in the motorcycle group i belong to so not sure how many i will make but would like to do a few. I am also a fairly conservative rider in the twisties but on straight aways i like to get some speed, but i also have a 1500cc cruiser so when i think im haulin ass picking up speed everyone else will be passing me im sure. oh well as long as i can see someones tail light ill be cool.

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It would be cool to head down to Mansfield for some races this year, camp out or get in on some rooms with a group of people. I feel the same way. If I am going a good distance to some twisties, I would much rather take the expressway there. That is unless there are good roads in route.

I live right next door to Mansfield, easy ride for me.

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....It's no fun for the slower riders to get left and have to ride by themselves. Having said that...if you're a slower rider, at some point, my brake lights will be a faint and distant glimmer. :)

Funny, seeing how you see my brake lights the exact same way. :thefinger:

...Girlfriends are encouraged! It''s hard to tell your girl (if she has a bike and likes to ride) that she can't come. Blue Shark brought his wife and rode her on back on the only ride we had last year. I had my girlfriend at the time plus Shitty Gixxer's girl was there too....

Damn...I'm not feeling the love now. You mentioned EVERYONE but me! :( That's it...I was going to offer to hang on to your keys on the next ride. But now, you're on your own to lose them again. :slap:

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Funny, seeing how you see my brake lights the exact same way. :thefinger:

Damn...I'm not feeling the love now. You mentioned EVERYONE but me! :( That's it...I was going to offer to hang on to your keys on the next ride. But now, you're on your own to lose them again. :slap:

I was wondering what that stench was! LOL

And I don't remember any 'race' with that crappy R1. You were in front because you were the only one who knew where we were going. At least...you thought you knew. LOL

Nice of you to join the party. We'll have to hook up real soon.

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Stench....wasn't me. Maybe Shitty stopped in for a quick look see. And it's on like Donkey Kong now brotha! Nobody, NOBODY, calls my Gixxer an R1! Hey, for just pulling that route out of my back side it could have been a lot worse. I need to put some new plastic on the bike here shortly, but I've been trying to hold out until I can get some coin for the pipes. Don't really feel like put the new stuff on then taking it back off to put those on.

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I hear you man..pain in the ass to do the work twice. You still runnning the stock pipes? I remember you wanting to swap them out. I've got a TON of work to do..I just haven't been motivated to spend all weekend in a cold garage getting it done. No excuse now though...riding time is getting near.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Morning fellas...

I found ohioriders on google and figured I would join in the fun since I ride solo 99% of the time here. I'm about a half hour east of downtown cle and would be more than happy to meet up for some twisties rides. I'm embarrased by the chicken strips that are making their way to my tires. InYaAzz, I used to ride with DSB back in '06, but I can't remember if I met you or not. Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself and I'll be checking the boards pretty often.

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Morning fellas...

I found ohioriders on google and figured I would join in the fun since I ride solo 99% of the time here. I'm about a half hour east of downtown cle and would be more than happy to meet up for some twisties rides. I'm embarrased by the chicken strips that are making their way to my tires. InYaAzz, I used to ride with DSB back in '06, but I can't remember if I met you or not. Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself and I'll be checking the boards pretty often.

Welcome! I don't know if I met you or not. I don't a chance to ride with them as much as I like to, but I try to make the big events/rides. Next time I head up to ride with them I'll hit you up. The last time I went there to ride, I just hopped on the bike and rode to detroit, rode all over MI and then rode home. ABout 12 hours straight of riding...and a visit by the State Police on the turnpike. Something about going too fast. :) Man I was SORE after that day. I've got a trailer now..but still wouldn't mind riding up there if I left early enough and had time to stretch my legs before the group got going.

Anyways...as you already know..twisties around here are non existant. We've gotta head south. Doesn't mean we can't get together for some corner turning and throttle spraying. Next weekend is bad for me (kids). During the week is usually bad for me..but if it looks like a good day is coming up and enough people are on board I'll skip the MMA and hang out. Especially if we can time it with a bike night @ QSL. It's Thursday in Sheffield..and I forget what day in Independence..Wed??

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Welcome! I don't know if I met you or not. I don't a chance to ride with them as much as I like to, but I try to make the big events/rides. Next time I head up to ride with them I'll hit you up. The last time I went there to ride, I just hopped on the bike and rode to detroit, rode all over MI and then rode home. ABout 12 hours straight of riding...and a visit by the State Police on the turnpike. Something about going too fast. :) Man I was SORE after that day. I've got a trailer now..but still wouldn't mind riding up there if I left early enough and had time to stretch my legs before the group got going.

Anyways...as you already know..twisties around here are non existant. We've gotta head south. Doesn't mean we can't get together for some corner turning and throttle spraying. Next weekend is bad for me (kids). During the week is usually bad for me..but if it looks like a good day is coming up and enough people are on board I'll skip the MMA and hang out. Especially if we can time it with a bike night @ QSL. It's Thursday in Sheffield..and I forget what day in Independence..Wed??

I was hoping I just wasn't finding the right roads... dammit. I don't think I'm hardcore enough to ride to michigan, ride for the day and ride back. I have a 5x8 enclosed too with some chocks that would make a little more comfortable trip up north and back. I'd really like to do some track days but I need a one-piece and to safety wire the bike still. I'm out of town a lot but as soon as the weather breaks lets put some miles on.

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I feel you on trailering the bike..it was a LOOONG day.

I have a two piece suit..but I am probably going to stay away from track days until I can come up with a dedicated track bike. Track days eat tires up like I don't know what..and I don't want the hassle of going from street to track and vice versa. I'm lazy. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, this thread's been going for a few months now and i missed it.

I've been camping out on the NESBA and STT boards too much...

most of my street riding is done to and from work, but I'd definitely be up for a 'spirited' weekend ride here and there. nothing squidly - the track time is supposed to get that out of my system :)

I'm on the west side of cleveland, but i'm pretty familiar with the valley view and brecksville metroparks roads (grew up in broadview heights).

the rangers are everywhere, but it's a nice fun little 2nd or 3rd gear ride. if only that 30 mph was 45...

radakchr at yahoo.com if anyone is organizing something specific. I check that a lot more than this board (although I'll try to be better)

- Chris

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Man, this thread's been going for a few months now and i missed it.

I've been camping out on the NESBA and STT boards too much...

most of my street riding is done to and from work, but I'd definitely be up for a 'spirited' weekend ride here and there. nothing squidly - the track time is supposed to get that out of my system :)

I'm on the west side of cleveland, but i'm pretty familiar with the valley view and brecksville metroparks roads (grew up in broadview heights).

the rangers are everywhere, but it's a nice fun little 2nd or 3rd gear ride. if only that 30 mph was 45...

radakchr at yahoo.com if anyone is organizing something specific. I check that a lot more than this board (although I'll try to be better)

- Chris

I'm waiting for my bike to get out of the shop, and we will be organizing many rides this year.

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I am always up for a ride, anytime the weather is good, I am on my bike. There are a few twisties in these parts and of course SE Ohio is interesting. I am an hour away from Cleveland, or 30 minutes, if you like the throttle. All of the people around here seem to like to ride up and down the main drag, showing everyone how loud their pipes are. I am more concerned about improving my riding technique. When it's a nice day out, I am out for five or more hours at a time. At least, but then again, it's my hobby. Anyone interested, drop me a line. I own a liter-bike so I won't be too far behind anyone else, unless you pass me in the corners. Which I am working on, day by day. Knee-dragging out on the public roads is suicide but I will get a nice lean angle going.

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I am always up for a ride, anytime the weather is good, I am on my bike. There are a few twisties in these parts and of course SE Ohio is interesting. I am an hour away from Cleveland, or 30 minutes, if you like the throttle. All of the people around here seem to like to ride up and down the main drag, showing everyone how loud their pipes are. I am more concerned about improving my riding technique. When it's a nice day out, I am out for five or more hours at a time. At least, but then again, it's my hobby. Anyone interested, drop me a line. I own a liter-bike so I won't be too far behind anyone else, unless you pass me in the corners. Which I am working on, day by day. Knee-dragging out on the public roads is suicide but I will get a nice lean angle going.

+1 You pretty much described me and my riding style. I love to ride, and I'm not really into posing.

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+1 You pretty much described me and my riding style. I love to ride, and I'm not really into posing.

-10 You're pretty much into losing your keys and running over curbs. :p:D:p:D

Any word on when the bike will be ready? John might head out this way on Sat. to ride a little I'm guessing and whatever else. If you'll be around we'd be happy to stop over and rub a little salt in the wounds for ya.

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