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South Korea started artillery drills


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When people preach isolationism, it is situations such as these the magnutude of which they fail to comprehend. Rogue dictators with powerful weapons can do far more harm than any of us can imagine. What else can S. Korea do besides arm up and posture a bit. North Korea is sure to respond. The question is how will we respond in order to protect our own security.

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Who didn't see this coming. He and his son are complete whack jobs that know if they do something really stupid big brother to the North will leave them hanging. China, like all the other power players realize money is king and are not going to defend some numb nut for being stupid and risk what they have worked long and hard to accomplish.

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When people preach isolationism, it is situations such as these the magnutude of which they fail to comprehend. Rogue dictators with powerful weapons can do far more harm than any of us can imagine. What else can S. Korea do besides arm up and posture a bit. North Korea is sure to respond. The question is how will we respond in order to protect our own security.

It's really funny to me how reactionary people are, and how short the memory span of a collective group of people is. Everyone's prattling on about how the South and North are arming up, the showdown is imminent, all that stuff. Everyone seems to forget that they pull shit every year or so. You can't keep pulling the same gag over and over again, it loses it's potency so you have to keep raising the ante little by little. This is especially the case here as the Kid is going to take over, he needs some sort of event to galvanize the military and government towards him instead of KJI, and that event can start with ordering the shelling of a SK village and taking credit for the fact that the world leaders are going to do nothing in response. Remember, NK's propaganda is hinged on two things: fear and rejection/rebellion against the West/US. They just blew the shit out of a major ally of the United States, and we (or SK, arguably the US proxy in NK eyes) did fuck-all. MAJOR propaganda victory for NK, and that's all they needed for continuation of their regime. This also gives them artificial bargaining room at the table for aid and support for their people, which between that and the propaganda brainwashing keeps them from inciting rebellion.

As far as the "powerful weapons" bit, that was just a continuation of "raising the ante". SK has had nuclear technology for years now, we were the ones that gave it to them. They claim that they don't have a weapon, but with the US as an close ally they don't need one, we have plenty to go around.

Rinse and repeat, wipe hands on pants. See you again in 8-12 months.

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Showmanship, yes. But it doesn't change the reality of a bankrupt nation. North Korea is on the brink of a dangerous collapse. They just can't feed themselves. That's the final element of total chaos. And no one wants to help them any longer. Too crazy. Giving them aid didn't help, it just made the situation worse.

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