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Happy Holidays to my fellow OR people


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Just wanted to send a quick holiday greeting to the OR group...met a bunch of ya this year, hope to meet the rest of ya this coming.

Just cant wait for 2010 to end.. I'll explain..

Friday the 3rd my parents house burnt down in Hilliard, thankfully no one was home cause it was a total loss! My family has lived there for 25 years... Blessed to have my family safe, it puts life into a new perspective.. a few days prior my grandfather was given 2wks-2 months to live, fighting parkinsons(sp). So really Christmas is a great time to enjoy family, but December 2010 can get the hell outa here!!

Soooo... be greatful for all the time you have with loved ones and respect that material posesions can be removed from you at any point, they dont matter in the big picture. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.. see at the polar bear run new years day!!

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Merry Christmas man. Hope things work out for you.

And you probably won't be seeing me on the polar bear run. ;)

Hey, I'll let you ride one of my bikes, they're both still out!

LeNko, my best wishes for a merry Christmas and prayers for you and your family, to get through these tough times, and be better for it.

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