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Reebok Zigs


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I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis & bone spurs over the summer. Still been troubling me, but in all honesty, I've done very little of what they told me to to correct it. It all just seems like a PIA. I hate wearing shoes around the house... My doctor wants me in lace up running shoes, not Crocs, slippers, or flip flops, but I'm usually barefoot, especially in summer. Even when I have conceded, & wore running shoes around the house... I haven't really noticed any relief.

Night splint... I've tried wearing here & there, but nothing consistent. Stretching... Mehhh

The last few days since Christmas though... I seem to have found some relief. Got a pair of Reebok Zigs as a present, & have been wearing them around the house in lieu of slippers since then. I have to say... My heel feels PHENOMENALLY better in fairly quick order.

Been wanting to try them for the better part of a year based on several friends recommendations, & I gotta say I'm glad I did... Think I found my make of shoes for the near future! Haven't really been able to run since all of this, so can't wait to give these a try

Thought I'd pass this on for anyone with foot problems. I normally wouldn't pay $100 for a pair of shoes, but in this case... They seem to be worth every penny

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damn I wish they had these when I was a kid and had a killer heel issue.

Think they help lighten the abuse of running on the knees? I need new basketball shoes for an upcoming league since I burned my LBJ's

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all of that, and no picture.... sigh. Now i have to ask google what they look like > : ( ;)

You enginerds must never watch TV commercials, ehhh...

'Cause they're only on like 20 times a day?? :p



Edited by Fonzie
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Reebok has always been my first choice of shoe, but not all are comfortable. I had a pair of old Iversons that were simply amazing! They have air pockets in the sole and the air moves front to back as you walk. Best shoes ever! Bad, might look into getting a pair for basketball. They are the ones that were white with blue or red trim. I'll have to get a picture later. They still go for a pricey amount for even being an older pair. I think the Zig's will be in my purchase list for my next shoes.

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Bad, might look into getting a pair for basketball. They are the ones that were white with blue or red trim. I'll have to get a picture later. They still go for a pricey amount for even being an older pair. I think the Zig's will be in my purchase list for my next shoes.

I used to have a pair of Iverson's back in the day and used them strictly for basketball. Absolutely loved them until I grew out of them. Awesome shoe!

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I have been wearing a pair of zigtechs since August and they have not only been more comfortable thank any other sneaks I have worn in I don't know how long. Plus they have made it easier to run and exercise on my left knee which had microfracture surgery three years ago. Will replace these with another pair when they are worn out.

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