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Jam cell phones-This could be fun


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Nice. My last employer did that without even using machines. Our building was built with two-foot deep concrete walls so signals never got through. You literally had to put your phone to the glass windows (which were bulletproof) to try to get anything. My solution was to use Skype through a web proxy to be able to call the front office if any problems did arise. Not bad for a school.

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Did you work at a Prison?

If you were a criminal, it could be very handy.

No, it was a school in Downtown Los Angeles, which was like a prison. The strange part was that the fire exits had no alarms attached to them so students could leave as they pleased. :D

The building was actually designed to withstand an 9.0 earthquake (and the occasional drive-by shooting) but the builders failed to address the inability to get cell phone signals through the school because of the thick walls. And the district was too cheap to install signal repeaters because it would take a significant bite out of the then-superintendent's $3 million/year salary. Such priorities. :nono:

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+1...ive used it in the lobby, and back in the exam area

Usually the only places I get no signal in a hospital is in the basement

and sub-basements. I work in hospitals on a pretty regular basis.

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I want one for possibility to disable tracking devices. I've read instances where the cops put tracking devices on cars while they're in the suspects driveway. It'd be good for peace of mind knowing that the tracking devices can be disabled.

With homeland security targeting veterans, gun owners, and anyone that believes in the constitution; devices combatting surveillance will become increasingly important.





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Umm that would be false... pagers are still the primary mode of notification for doctors while inside the hospital.

Plus hospitals are all now using the cell phones they wear around their necks.

At least in the Columbus area they all have them.

Edited by SWing'R
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I want one for possibility to disable tracking devices. I've read instances where the cops put tracking devices on cars while they're in the suspects driveway. It'd be good for peace of mind knowing that the tracking devices can be disabled.

With homeland security targeting veterans, gun owners, and anyone that believes in the constitution; devices combatting surveillance will become increasingly important.

Youre not combating surveillance by using a cell jammer because you cant make calls either thus their is nothing to surveill. Their is a substantial cost to:

A. Having the equipment capable of intercepting cell calls

B. Jamming the entire spectrum of signals that are used.

C. Lets not forget that its extremely illegal to do so.

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