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gun safe power suggestions

kawi kid

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My safe is an older liberty brand. I got it for christmas a long time ago from my parents. Problem is the safe is old enough it came before they got wise and started putting lights and powers supplies inside them for dehumidifyer rods and other things. I was hitching about having to have to once again bake my gel pack stuff to recharge it again so some kind soul got me a golden rod for christmas. Now I wanna put it in but don't have any power to the safe, what would you do? Would you drill a hole in the side one possibly mess up the fire rating? Or forget the rod and suck it up and bake my gel powder stuff again?

Btw if I drill the hole like im leaning towards im thinking about putting a power strip in there so I can charge my mag light and possibly install a little light. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated.

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Max I never thought about the fire stop. Good idea.

Chevy itsflat bottom so I don't think I can bring it out the bottom.

You could probably still run the cord under it. I was just wondering if one over the other would do a better job of keeping the integrity of the safe. I dunno though.

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Max I never thought about the fire stop. Good idea.

Chevy itsflat bottom so I don't think I can bring it out the bottom.

Then I'd do on the side, as far up as you can get. If the fire is burning next to the safe, the coldest part will be as high up as you can get. If something burning drops on top of it (and continues to burn), that's automatically going to be a hotspot.

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Then I'd do on the side, as far up as you can get. If the fire is burning next to the safe, the coldest part will be as high up as you can get. If something burning drops on top of it (and continues to burn), that's automatically going to be a hotspot.

I would think the very bottom would be best since heat rises?

If I put it under my safe I don't think will sit level.


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Here is another thought too.

My safe has the 4 predrilled holes on the bottom for lagging to the floor. I did not use any type of sealer on the bolts when i ran them through. Kinda defeats the waterproof part of the safe?

I think i might look for some type of RTV sealer that has some sort of fire protection to seal the area around the bolts?

I would not expect the safe to survive being totally underwater, but if somehow the was a small flood on the same level as the safe ( water line leak, hole in roof or water from fire dept hose)?

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Heat rises. The hottest part of a fire is on the ceiling.

Even on a flame, the hottest part is above the flame.

It should be fine with a fire stop compound plugging it up.

I wouldn't set something heavy on an electrical cord, nor even put a tight bend in it and try to max out the amps running through it. The wire would get hot. I've never seen one catch fire, but they do get hot.

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