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Most ironic quote ever?


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“We only know these crimes took place because insiders blew the whistle at great personal risk... Government whistleblowers are part of a healthy democracy and must be protected from reprisal.”

~ Senator Barack Obama, 2008

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Im confused?

In 2008 as a Senator, he said government whistleblowers should be protected.

Now, in 2010/2011, Julian Assange is being targeted as a terrorist and Bradley Manning is illegally being held in prison.

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Yea... I want to know what Obama's take on Mr. Assange is... everyone else has been gabbing about him being a traitor to the state (which doesn't even make sense since he's not American), except for Rand Paul (or was it Ron, I don't remember). I haven't read what Obama personally has to say about Assange himself.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Yea... I want to know what Obama's take on Mr. Assange is... everyone else has been gabbing about him being a traitor to the state (which doesn't even make sense since he's not American), except for Rand Paul (or what it Ron, I don't remember). I haven't read what Obama personally has to say about Assange himself.

Ron and Rand actually. I think they might be the only two in Washington that aren't out to fuck this country.

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I'm not sure that Bradley Manning is being held illegally. He's in Quantico, which is the right place for a soldier awaiting military justice, and he's being held away from others, which is the right place for a person accused of doling out government secrets (which is not remotely equivalent to whistle blowing).

As far as Assange goes, the people calling him a traitor or a terrorist the loudest? The likes of Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell, G Gordon Liddy, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee etc. I can't really blame him, as Assange has threatened to leak secrets about every US post around the world in retaliation to future action that might be taken against him.

All that said, Wikileaks is leaking government secrets. Counter-intelligence information, intelligence reports, operational manuals, etc. We're not talking about government whistle blowing here.

President Obama hasn't said much of anything about Assange. I'm not sure that there's any irony to be found here.

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The problem here is showing that the information leaked helps correct an injustice in our government. So far everything I've heard from Wiki-leaks only shows how dirty all politics are without showing the actions were taken with malice in mind. It's like showing Obama still sneaks smokes in the White House bathroom. It might be a black eye for Obama as a man but it is not proof of wrong doing on his part. Assange needs to be tried on conspiracy charges and Manning as a traitor given his trusted position in the government.

Irony would be documents leaked showing Assange sells and produces child porn.

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All that said, Wikileaks is leaking government secrets. Counter-intelligence information, intelligence reports, operational manuals, etc. We're not talking about government whistle blowing here.

what about the apache video? why was that hidden in the first place? shouldnt the people know what the goverment is doing in their name?

we all know that horrible mistakes are made in war. should these mistakes be hidden from the public eye?

its not the media's job to protect secrets, thats the governments job.

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what about the apache video? why was that hidden in the first place? shouldnt the people know what the goverment is doing in their name?

we all know that horrible mistakes are made in war. should these mistakes be hidden from the public eye?

Why that video was hidden is a no brainer. While the war is still engaged, and release of that video (taken by the military, not by a journalist) could cause uprising and unrest that could result in attacks and killing of our soldiers. I don't like it, but there is certainly compelling reason to keep those videos secret, at least while we were still engaging the enemy.

its not the media's job to protect secrets, thats the governments job.

I agree. However, in this case, it was an agent of the government, not the media, that released this video.

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He's talking about the Manning.

Manning didn't "release" it though' date=' Wikileaks (Assange) did, that was my point.

It's not like Manning posted it on a forum. Wikileaks is sent stuff and they decide what to do with it. Manning may've copied the information, but he didn't release it to the public.


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  • 2 years later...
I'm not sure that Bradley Manning is being held illegally. He's in Quantico, which is the right place for a soldier awaiting military justice, and he's being held away from others, which is the right place for a person accused of doling out government secrets (which is not remotely equivalent to whistle blowing).

As far as Assange goes, the people calling him a traitor or a terrorist the loudest? The likes of Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell, G Gordon Liddy, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee etc. I can't really blame him, as Assange has threatened to leak secrets about every US post around the world in retaliation to future action that might be taken against him.

All that said, Wikileaks is leaking government secrets. Counter-intelligence information, intelligence reports, operational manuals, etc. We're not talking about government whistle blowing here.

President Obama hasn't said much of anything about Assange. I'm not sure that there's any irony to be found here.

3 years does not sound like a speedy trial...Just sayin

Isn't this like the accused being the judge?


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3 years does not sound like a speedy trial...Just sayin

Isn't this like the accused being the judge?


I agree.

But then, if I go back and find two year old posts about current events, I bet I can find discrepancies, too :)

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