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Ever had one of those days...


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Vent (or should I say a smoke stack!

If it could happen at work today it has...

Jack ass's from Time Warner fucked me again... on a AEP pole lead... Now becuase of them I am being held up on a major project.

AEP calls in and puts their side of the project on hold becuase of this bs.

Their engineers are all in WV becuase of outages so I am stuck on that side as well... :nono:

Pole projects are a disaster, inspector that did them retired now I am stuck with someone that does not know what is going on...

Just BS after BS...

Someone in Columbus, helping in my area is too lazy to drive to Lancaster and do their job... Really there is 34 of them and 4 of us... Drive down and look at it (its 30 minutes away if that)! We have heard you are all lazy and are lucky to have the work you have... Should be happy to get out of the offive... Should be happy I am not complaining for who they are allowing to help... This is Crazy...

What else?:rolleyes:



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