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Unbelievable skin gun - stem cells rock!


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That invention is amazing!

What's more amazing is that there will still be people out there who are against stem cell research even after seeing what is developed from it.

I have never met or heard of anyone actually being against stem cell research are you sure you aren't hopelessly uninformed? I can see how sheeple could come to that conclusion based on what they think they have heard from the news and I find it sad that they exist. I do know of and I am one of the people who don't believe the government should be spending money on stem cell research, big difference from being against it. I hope this company makes millions of dollars and helps millions of people but the government shouldn't be wasting my money starting up these endeavors just like "green" energy solutions.

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  • 11 months later...
That invention is amazing!

What's more amazing is that there will still be people out there who are against stem cell research even after seeing what is developed from it.

I don't think that people were against stem cell research... The controversy was about the source of the stem cells (foetuses). Bush banned foetal stem cell reserch in the US, excepting those cell lines that had already been gathered.

The ban on foetal stem cell research prompted science to find stem cells in other ways, and now we see they can get stem cells from the patient himself.

I wonder if foetal stem cell research had not been banned- would science have simply continued to use foetuses? Or would they still have developed other sources?

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