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Texas Bill to allow guns on college campus


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I haven't read anything about this on here and figured I'd throw it up for the people who haven't heard. I am 100% for this and love it. At first I was unsure but then I considered that I'm sure there are plenty of students that already do this illegally so why not let the law abiding ones do it legally. Going to school in the ghetto made me realized this


Edited by Bad324
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there are many times that faculty and staff have to work very late hours, and when they are leaving the secured buildings, going to their vehicles, they are sitting ducks, and the criminals know this. there have been daytime car jackings right on campus. I am extremely in favor of this bill, and have been on the band wagon since I found out about this campaign 2 years ago.

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I am completely for this. The only thing that concerns me in guns in dorms. Does anyone know if this will allow this? In dorms you never know who you are going to be living with and they could be a total loony, who finds out you have a gun and just waits until you slip up to snatch it. Plus, there is a lot of alcohol in dorms.

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I would share the same concern as far as the dorms go, at the same time I suppose it becomes the responsibility of the gun owner to make sure that they are being responsible with there decisions. If there is not a safe place to store the firearm it would make no sense to keep it in the dorm, and I don't foresee the dorms having a place to check your handguns.

I am completely for this. The only thing that concerns me in guns in dorms. Does anyone know if this will allow this? In dorms you never know who you are going to be living with and they could be a total loony, who finds out you have a gun and just waits until you slip up to snatch it. Plus, there is a lot of alcohol in dorms.
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Criminals are going to carry guns everywhere... so why not law-abiding people?

I guess I'm feeling exceptionally libertarian today, so Darwin and I think we'd be willing to risk the few 'accidents' from careless gun owners or gun owners that abused alcohol in order for the rest of the people that feel they should have the right to carry, to carry. Dorms and all.

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You should be able to carry anywhere. period. The Darwin awards should go to the fucksticks who come up with the rules of where you can and cant carry. The people who have been harmed in violent attacks and have survived shoul dget to cast a vote and that is it.

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