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Fix Gun Checks?...


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The only way to mandate a background check for a private sale is to know that you are selling. The only way to know you are selling is by knowing that you have one. The only way to prove your gun was purchased via background check would be through some sort of licensing. So your choice becomes gun registration or become a criminal. This isn't a slippery slope. It's an icey cliff.

For my intellectual friends, of course I've oversimplified this. But a scenario either anchored in, or loosely based on my scenario are the likely paths.

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It's gonna be hard to implement a mandated program that every state has to follow instead of their own guns laws and how they process background checks set by the ATF.

Brady took care of that in 1993. NICS is a federal program. These d-bags want to tell you to which nephew you can will your HiPoint.

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It's illegal to kill someone but we still have murders. Why would a law requiring background checks for all gun purchases keep them out of the hands of people who aren't going to follow the law anyways?

And it is not like they are getting them from a gun shop anyway. :rolleyes:

This would fix nothing.

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The problem is there weren't enough controls (don't get carried away now) early on allowing the market to be flooded with weapons making them easily accessible to criminals. Now it's going to be difficult (if not improbable) to close that box again with any kind of legislation. NRA and gun manufacturers are going to do anything they can to fight it since it hurts their business. NRA, manufactures and stores make way too much money for them to allow the government slow or limit their sales. On a related note, if you think the NRA is fighting for your 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm you're nothing but a sheep. They are fighting for their business interests and nothing else.

Keep in mind I say this as someone who owns a handful weapons myself, has a family that shoots and carries everyday. I like my guns and I'd rather like to keep them. The only way to make sure that happens in the long term is to fight for smart gun laws that make sense and not feed those whose business it is to sell them or get rid of them.

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The problem is there weren't enough controls (don't get carried away now) early on allowing the market to be flooded with weapons making them easily accessible to criminals. Now it's going to be difficult (if not improbable) to close that box again with any kind of legislation. NRA and gun manufacturers are going to do anything they can to fight it since it hurts their business. NRA, manufactures and stores make way too much money for them to allow the government slow or limit their sales. On a related note, if you think the NRA is fighting for your 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm you're nothing but a sheep. They are fighting for their business interests and nothing else.

Keep in mind I say this as someone who owns a handful weapons myself, has a family that shoots and carries everyday. I like my guns and I'd rather like to keep them. The only way to make sure that happens in the long term is to fight for smart gun laws that make sense and not feed those whose business it is to sell them or get rid of them.

People that eat at Panera during the week, don't own guns, you sissy...

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Nothing at all, I just think he's the 5 foot nothing, soccer playing, techno loving homo. :D

Soccer?!?!?! Watch yourself asshole ;)

And about the ammo ban that was actually tried not to long ago with the fear of all the lead we spray into the sides of hills. Ill have to look it up to know exactly but that was the basics of it.

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