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Who Owns the USA?? WTF....


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It's all about countries investing. Or having more money than they know what to do with. I would think that it's spread around to various countries that will have a solid return.

I've thought about it in the past, and with China (and some others), it's like having an IOU to someone that might not necessarily like you all that much. It makes it in their best interests that nothing happens to harm you. The economies of the USA and China and Japan are very tied together. Ok, Korea also, and India and Brazil are next.

Times change. The world becomes a different place. And then it changes again...

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Oh, and before we laugh about giving a state or two away to pay for debt. That's exactly what countries used to do, in order to pay off debts or generate cash flow. It's how we got most of this country we live in. We bought it. They can buy it too. Oh wait, they might already own it...

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Oh yeah man. Where do you think all the money comes from. Does not come from our country? Comes to us from other countries under the idea of trade agreements. They can pour their crap into the US and the people pay for it. Close those gates and we would soon see just how much we are dependant upon all that crap. It's horrible when you get away from the big picture and look only at yourself or your household and see just how much of that stuff is from other countries and not from the good ole US of A.

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Oh yeah man. Where do you think all the money comes from. Does not come from our country? Comes to us from other countries under the idea of trade agreements. They can pour their crap into the US and the people pay for it. Close those gates and we would soon see just how much we are dependant upon all that crap. It's horrible when you get away from the big picture and look only at yourself or your household and see just how much of that stuff is from other countries and not from the good ole US of A.

true, i just never looked at it that way

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Oh yeah man. Where do you think all the money comes from. Does not come from our country? Comes to us from other countries under the idea of trade agreements. They can pour their crap into the US and the people pay for it. Close those gates and we would soon see just how much we are dependant upon all that crap. It's horrible when you get away from the big picture and look only at yourself or your household and see just how much of that stuff is from other countries and not from the good ole US of A.

I just took a look around, and most of porn is asian, so yea, I'm tempted to agree.

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I couldn't get too much further than the first few lines...specifically this one:

Regardless of how much closer Obama's budget brings our economy into a balance of payments not seen since 2001

Say what? Obama hasn't even come close to balancing a budget with all of his hippie feel good tree-hugging programs out there that waste money...get real.

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Hey, I love some Russian crushin' as much as the next jew, but no one beats those wily litte jbot-ettes for making my normally diminutive hebrew endowments look like godzilla dong in those pretty little yellow hands.

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seriously. eastern european pr0n is pretty boss

You should go to Prague and just walk around the city and the clubs. Women are ridiculously hot over there, and there's a 3/1 ratio.

So is this the thread where we all play armchair economist and bitch about the country's economy while we plot about what kind of motorcycle we want to buy while under/not funding our retirement and not putting anything away for savings?

Let me hit you with a clue by four - Macroeconomics on a country scale (especially a country as complex as a first world) isn't the same as sitting at your kitchen table and making a personal/family budget.

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You should go to Prague and just walk around the city and the clubs. Women are ridiculously hot over there, and there's a 3/1 ratio.

So is this the thread where we all play armchair economist and bitch about the country's economy while we plot about what kind of motorcycle we want to buy while under/not funding our retirement and not putting anything away for savings?

Let me hit you with a clue by four - Macroeconomics on a country scale (especially a country as complex as a first world) isn't the same as sitting at your kitchen table and making a personal/family budget.

Shut up and let's get back to the women in Prague. Very nice....

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You should go to Prague and just walk around the city and the clubs. Women are ridiculously hot over there, and there's a 3/1 ratio.

So is this the thread where we all play armchair economist and bitch about the country's economy while we plot about what kind of motorcycle we want to buy while under/not funding our retirement and not putting anything away for savings?

Let me hit you with a clue by four - Macroeconomics on a country scale (especially a country as complex as a first world) isn't the same as sitting at your kitchen table and making a personal/family budget.

Thank god, I am not the only one taking crazy pills. Half of the hill jacks on this site cant even manage their own finances but think they can solve the worlds problems.

My retirement is funded very well and with a respectable portion in emerging markets.

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I don't want to hear a single person on here bitch about buying stuff in the "Good Ol' US of A" until they're willing to give up their YamaHondaKawaZuki up...hypocrisy much? :lol:

With that said, time to move this thread to NWS. I'll give the mods 5 minutes to move it before the aZn pr0n com...er, cums along.

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Don't think anyone said that they could do it, I'm pretty sure people just bitched about the comment that Obama is anywhere near a balanced budget.

Keep tanking the economy, buddy, mortgage rates are great.

Lets not forget this is not the first thread on this site. Plenty of people have proven my point time and time again on this site.

The bright side I love the low rates too! 3.125% for the win.

If anybody wants to put their money where their mouth is go buy some bonds, then you can talk about how you did your part to finance your countries infrastructure

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Lets not forget this is not the first thread on this site. Plenty of people have proven my point time and time again on this site.

The bright side I love the low rates too! 3.125% for the win.

If anybody wants to put their money where their mouth is go buy some bonds, then you can talk about how you did your part to finance your countries infrastructure

You are correct, this isn't the first thread.

The problem is that no one wants to buy bonds. Did you see where they were talking about issuing 100 year bonds? Craziness.

As another side note: 5/1 FHA ARMs are based on the 1-year T-bill (which is at about .792% now). Normal margin is 1.75%-2.5% so, if you had one of these loans adjusting TODAY, your new rate would be 2.542-3.292%. THAT'S how shitting the economy is.

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Take your net worth, divide it by your twice your age, then multiply that answer by how hot the current chick you're banging is on a 1-10 scale, and the person with the highest number wins this thread.

Edited by JRMMiii
"You're" now using the right grammar.
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It's somewhat simple, both micro and macro. Invest by betting on the failure of a foreign market, and take that money home to the USA. It's called economic warfare, and most countries that have tried it have failed, after initial gains. But individuals can be successful.

Then it doesn't matter what you buy or where it's manufactured.

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