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dog owners - need advice

Steve Butters

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That's great news!! At the very least, the meds will give you more time to share......I lost my dog to a speeding car when he was only 5 years old - so I've never had a pet put down, but I can empathize through friends of mine that have done so.

If I were you, I'd take some extra time off work just to enjoy every minute you can with her while she is here......but when the time comes, it will be the right decision - and you're pain will fade - especially once you get a new pup!!

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Honestly bro, if she really lieks you etc, I would go. I know everytime I think about having to put my dog down(hes only 6 or 7 now) I get teary eyed even now, but I think I would want to be there.

Some vets will actually do it at your house too, which some people feel is best for the dog. My dog hates the vet, so I feel I would go this route.

Best wishes man.

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I held my dog as she took her last breaths. I wanted to be there and comfort her. I wanted her to be around the family that loved her for so many years. I was the last thing she saw and I know she went peacefully. I still miss her every day but I know she's at peace now.

I'm on board with Chevy's view. Don't let anyone decide for you, but when my dog goes, I will be right by his side if at all possible.

He wouldn't leave me if I were checking out, and I have no intention of leaving him.

If it's going to give you nightmares or permanently scar you, then of course that's not worth it, but I think not being there would be something most peopel will regret. Sure it's a sad memory, but it's still a memory.

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I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. I just put my dog down on Monday. He collapsed on Saturday and went completely downhill where I didn't think he would make it until I scheduled his appointment to be put down on Monday. He was fine, but just a little under the weather the prior two weeks on and off. Turns out he had a rare auto-immune deficiency disorder called Evan's Syndrome.

I have always had pets in my life and they are my family. Cosmo was my kid for sure. I was awake with him almost every moment from Sat-Mon (took a few cat naps) and it just was horrible. I almost feel guilty about not being as sad as I should, but I saw how much pain he was in. I think part of it is shock at how it came out of the blue too.

I will recommend this...

I found a vet nearby online and they were the cheapest. It is Vet Clinic East. Not only were they the cheapest, they were the BEST. Cosmo had to be carried in on a gurney (Golden Retriever). They went and prepped him while my family and I waited in a room that had a couch and a comfy chair. They also let us (my parents came down to be with me) bring my other two dogs along. Through experience, we've found that it is easier on the other dogs if they are there and can see what is happening instead of their buddy just walking out the door and never coming back. Anyway, we thought they were just putting us in there until we were called into the regular room. Nope. They brought him right into the room with us. It was so comfortable and peaceful. I laid on the floor and held him. All they had to do was give him a shot when I was ready and said to. Yes, it was difficult. However, he went so fast that I was shocked. I couldn't believe how fast it worked. It hurt, but at the same time, I knew he wasn't hurting anymore. The staff stayed with us to make sure we were ok and then gave us time alone with him afterward. They were even kind enough to ask us if we wanted some water and brought us a few bottles. My parents will have to put their dog to sleep soon and they said they plan on driving down from Cleveland just so they can go to this vet clinic. My dad even wants to send a thank you card.

Ok, time to shed a few tears. If you need anyone to talk to, PM anytime.

p.s. You should go. She gave you a lifetime of love. The least you can do is comfort her at the end of hers. She won't be as scared knowing you are right there by her side.

Edited by saralynn518
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They also let us (my parents came down to be with me) bring my other two dogs along. Through experience, we've found that it is easier on the other dogs if they are there and can see what is happening instead of their buddy just walking out the door and never coming back.

Interesting. Is this from previous experience or did you read this somewhere? I ask because I have 2 littermates that are rarely separated.

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I would definitely go man, as has been stated before you know if the roles were reversed she'd be right there with you, you will never regret being there holding her as she passes. I had to make the same decision as you a few years ago with the golden retriever I grew up with, and I layed right down next to her and held her and pet her as she passed. I still remember that day and get teary eyed sometimes, it's hard when someone we love passes and a dog is no different than any other family member. I think you'll truly realize you made the right decision after the fact, but what better way to pass (in what surely has to be a confusing/terrifying situation for the dog) than next to and surrounded by the owner(s) that have loved you for so long.

Sorry to hear of the unfortunate situation, and I wish you and your dog the best. They really are the best friends you can ask for...

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Gahanna Animal Hospital was always a good place when I went there. They also let me hold Herc (my first Doberman) while they put him to sleep. Then they let me have the room alone with him while I cried and held him. Dam dogs can reach parts of my heart no human can.:cry:

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Interesting. Is this from previous experience or did you read this somewhere? I ask because I have 2 littermates that are rarely separated.

From previous experience and I also took animal behavior courses. Years ago when I lived at home, we had a dog named Cookie and she gave birth to one puppy - Barcley. When my parents had Cookie put down, Barcley constantly would wait by the door always on the watch for her to come back. He became depressed and he aged quicker. We got another puppy named Otis and they became friends. Barcley passed away and was buried in the backyard. My parents let Otis see him before he was buried. From time to time, my mom said she would see Otis outside sitting right by where Barcley is buried. Most dogs do grieve, but they don't all grieve in the same way (just like people). They also mourn when we pass away. Elephants are very well known for mourning when one of their pack dies.

Here's an article: http://www.sojos.com/petsgrieve.html

Here are a few videos/articles I've seen that show how much dogs care about each other. They are pack animals. Their pack is their family. We are the leader of their pack when they become our pets.





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Dam dogs can reach parts of my heart no human can.:cry:

That's the truth. I've never let a guy love me (or vice versa) as of yet, but my pets have every piece of my heart. I won't even date a guy unless they are 100% accepting of my pets. They are irreplaceable. They will be there no matter what. I consider them my kids since I don't have any of the human kind.

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That's the truth. I've never let a guy love me (or vice versa) as of yet, but my pets have every piece of my heart. I won't even date a guy unless they are 100% accepting of my pets. They are irreplaceable. They will be there no matter what. I consider them my kids since I don't have any of the human kind.

Dito, I don't let any guys love me either. :D Sorry had to lighten up the mood. :D

I know exactly what you mean about kids.


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Interesting. Is this from previous experience or did you read this somewhere? I ask because I have 2 littermates that are rarely separated.

I have had a few vets tell me this as well. Every time we have had to put a dog down we always bring the other with us so that once it has passed we let the other smell it so it understands what is going on. I have also found that bringing the other one helps ease the pain. When we put out first Doberman down I held our other one and bald my eyes out for about 20 min before I was able to leave ( I was 7). My parents always say that once the dogs we have pass that we won't get any more....5 dogs later and we are still a 2 dog family.

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Dude I had a bull-mastiff had cancer. I felt really bad but had to do what was good for him and put him down animals will always have a good days but they are in pain they are having a really bad day

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We took her in early :'(....she's gone....rip katie, I love u and miss u already...and I held her the whole time and my mom petted her....20 mins in the door and out, they tried to do it quick so we didn't have to wait but it felt like hours

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Sorry for your loss man. I put my dog down last year after she had a severe stroke. Even though I knew it was by far the right thing to do, it didn't make it any easier.

My thoughts are with you and your fam.

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thanks everybody....its going to take some getting used to....and i dont think ill ever get another dog....i wanted to get another snake for a pet, but after this, i dont think ill get any more pets....

Trust me, no dog will ever replace Katie in your heart, but there are other dogs and pets out there who need your love just as much as Katie did. She would be happy if you made another animal's life as wonderful as you did for her. You will love them just as much, but no one will ever replace her. Don't go in with the mindset that another pet means a replacement. It may take some time and that is ok. *hug*

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