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Another noob down


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You guys dont even know the guy who crashed. You dont know the circumstances behind the accident. Noob or not, Harley or Not, it doesnt matter.... He is still a rider just like you and I. Instead of bashing someone in this unfortunate event why not say nothing or "hope he makes it out ok." But no...this is Ohioriders and its posts like this and many others like it that make me sick. Why dont you guys call yourselves OHIO SPORTBIKE RIDERS? I did forget, none of you guys were ever new to riding.......

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You guys dont even know the guy who crashed. You dont know the circumstances behind the accident. Noob or not, Harley or Not, it doesnt matter.... He is still a rider just like you and I. Instead of bashing someone in this unfortunate event why not say nothing or "hope he makes it out ok." But no...this is Ohioriders and its posts like this and many others like it that make me sick. Why dont you guys call yourselves OHIO SPORTBIKE RIDERS? I did forget, none of you guys were ever new to riding.......

It's not the fact that it was a Harley but the fact that it was three in the morning and the guy had his temps or fresh with a license. Three in the morning, can't negotiate a 25mph corner and no helmet. The Harley part doesn't help because of the stigma attached but my opinion would be no different if this was a sportbike, dirtbike, scooter, or lawn mower. Look at all the circumstances of this and then throw in the "Harley" stereotype in there and tell me how you think that this guy wasn't drunk. I wish no ill will against anyone especially a fellow biker but anyone who gets plastered and jumps on a bike (with no helmet) should expect nothing more than to wind up laying on the side of the road.

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I did forget, none of you guys were ever new to riding.......

yeah, but I was 8...

there is no reason to miss that 25 mph curve, regardless of conditions. either he was drunk, riding way too fast, or had no effing idea how to ride....

I say he got lucky, if he's smart he'll either take/retake the MSF, and learn how to ride, or just give it up before he hurts himself or someone else even worse next time.

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I wasnt supporting him, especially if alcohol was involved, just saying why kick someone when they are already down? And Im sure he had some non-noob friends who could have not let him ride so I say its a group effort here....Although we still dont know if it was even "alcohol"..... It has been getting cold and at 3 am there could have been Ice, road salt and debris, who knows......

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I hope he is back ridin b4 the nice weather arrives. I'm not sure if it's due to the cold or debris, but I've had a lot of squirrelly moments in my car lately. It seems there's a lot of traction fluctuations on roads lately, especially in the cold mornings.

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Ill contest to that I was on the highway yesterday and my back end felt loose a bit in turns. Also cold which probably was a bad idea to go on the highway to begin with.

Edited by Jst2fst
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Last year I went from Columbus to Marysville on a cold morning (on the bike), and the roadway felt squishy/slippery traction all the way. Temps in the high 30s that day, but 65F and dry when I came back. Yeah, don't let early Springtime conditions sneak up and knock you down.

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I think both sides have a point. Nothing easier to make fun of than a noob rider on an HD screwing up an easy turn, but it is also disappointing to know there are riders on the road who's skills are so weak. I hope he's okay and lives to make some good decisions like an MSF class or skipping the bar when out on the road.

Either way I'll take this as an indicator to use extra caution this spring because the roads are sure to be loaded with bad drivers with 2,4, and 18 wheels.

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I wasnt supporting him, especially if alcohol was involved, just saying why kick someone when they are already down?....Although we still dont know if it was even "alcohol"..... It has been getting cold and at 3 am there could have been Ice, road salt and debris, who knows......

Doesn't change the fact that he...

1. Wasn't wearing a helmet (required by law 1st year)

2. Was riding after dark (not allowed while on temps, assuming of course he is still riding on this temps)

PS. I do hope he recovers okay, wouldn't wish a wreck or injury on anyone.

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It's not the fact that it was a Harley but the fact that it was three in the morning and the guy had his temps or fresh with a license.

I doubt the news really looked into how long he'd been riding. Would it shock anyone to find out that this guy has been riding for 10 years, but just reapplies for his temps every year? There are a huge number of people who do this, so technically the "novice" restrictions apply.

it's hard for me to feel sorry for anyone not wearing a helmet. Why should I feel bad for you when you're not willing to protect yourself with the most basic piece of riding gear? You don't value your life before the crash, but I'm supposed to value it after?

I hope he recovers, and learned his lesson.

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"Police said, in this case, the injuries would have probably been about the same if he had worn a helmet. The motorcyclist was taken to a local hospital with head injuries."

How's that work?

Maybe he was a little dizzy and that constitutes "head injures"

Cuz you know "minor injuries" are usually just a little boo boo or a bruise

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If the guy wasn't drunk and there was ice or road salt...why would he be riding? Why would you ride at 3am anyway? There are a lot of drunks out at 3am...If it were me, I'd be afraid to ride with a bunch of drunks on the road.

I honestly don't know how anyone could possibly fail to negotiate a 25mph turn...unless any of the above-mentioned scenarios are true (drunk, ice, noob).

Sorry I'm not overly touchy-feely on this one. I agree that we are all family on 2-wheels, but it's squids like this that give the rest of us a bad name, higher insurance rates, helmet laws, etc. He doesn't get my support. Sorry :)

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