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xbox dudes (and dudettes)

kawi kid

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I hear the campaign is really short. Not sure I want to invest $60 to purchase it, when I can beat it in four hours.

Not really that impressed with the online game modes either.

On the plus side I read that the game setting is pretty sweet, and makes up for the lack of length in the game.

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I am enjoying it. Seems more realistic to me.... I was pretty disappointed with the servers last night being overloaded. The really interesting stuff is all the interactive things in the game. If you are playing the campaign make sure you have your cell phone handy. There are barcodes hidden around places for you to scan and it will take you to a webpage that contains a video that goes along with what you are doing on the map currently. I have never played a game that incorporated things into the game like that. Its just another added bonus to me.

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