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Good fun in the SNOW


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The price is high, yes, but, I bet in the next 2-3 years the price will drop and the power will increase. This is the FIRST ever single ski snow mobile. If I took the time to design that shit you better beleive it would be this expensive. The people who really want it and can afford wont have a probelm paying this much. I just hope the price drops in the next few years. This thing looks crazy fun.

If anyone is interested, they rent these out in a few areas for the day. It costs about $250 a day - that pays for gas and eveything - I wa thinking about going to one of these "test areas" Apparently they take you out on a journey for the majority of the day. It is a lot of money for one day, but it looks so fucking fun I may not be able to resist! :banana:

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