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The tables have turned on a Las Vegas deputy district attorney who earned a name for himself prosecuting high-profile celebrities accused of drug crimes. He has now been arrested for allegedly buying crack cocaine from a street dealer.

David Schubert, 47, a veteran prosecutor who pressed charges against Paris Hilton and singer Bruno Mars, was arrested Saturday after police watched a suspected drug dealer hop in his BMW. The police found crack in the car after pulling it over, according to an arrest report.

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Double sucks, because he'll likely be disbarred. At the VERY least, he's not going to be allowed to practice law for multiple years, and he'll never escape the reputation.

47 is pretty young for an attorney. I'll be lucky to pass the bar before I'm 31.

This will go one of two ways, depending on how much the legal community thinks of the guy:

1) they'll let him off pretty easy and try to rationalize it by saying "he got the average sentence for a first-time offender with a clean record."


2) they'll make an example of him to maintain some semblance of integrity in the legal system.

there will be no middle-ground. Frankly, he deserves the second option. Hypocrisy annoys me in every facet of life, but more in law and government than anywhere else. A sobbing apology, acknowledgment of his hypocrisy, and a guilty plea is the only way for him to go if he has any integrity left to preserve.

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