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CL - Stay away?


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hi i have 2 honda cb 350's one is a 72 other is a 73 both have titles not shure if there good or not since they were not signed off on. maybe if you know a notary it can be fixed?

one bike is complete but in rough shape, the other is completely apart, could make one good bike out of the two.

Should I stay away? The price is right but the title issue worries me. I would use this as a cafe project

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He's been trying to sell those for awhile I think.

If the titles match up to the VINs I doubt they were stolen, or else this guy is a smarter/better criminal than the "shure" would let on.

Some people don't understand the title process, or are intimidated by it. If the price is right it's worth a shot.

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it sounds legit, like 240 said, people don't understand how titles work. They suck. and once someone messes up on one line of a title the whole thing is done, and you have to start over, unless you "know" people. I've bought a few bikes with "title" issues before, it can be worth your time IF you can get around it. I got screwed on one deal because of it.

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