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Iphone 4 VS. Droid 2 Global VS. wait for Iphone 5


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This is probably going to spark a ridiculous debate but I'm torn on what to do. I really hate the phone I have now and I think its starting to go on me but I'm not sure on that.

I hit a verizon store since I was bored yesterday and pretty much have it narrowed down to these. I'm not a techy and will probably not even take advantage of half of the phones capabilities but have come across plenty of times I wish I had a "smart phone".

I am basically looking at the pro's and con's of each choice

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if youre waiting for iphone 5, im assuming that phone will be 4g.... if youre set on a 4g phone, wait for the Droid Bionic (supposedly april 21st)

if you dont want to pay the insane prices for 4g - grab a 3g phone and be set, iphone 4 - droid x - droid 2, whatever

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if youre waiting for iphone 5, im assuming that phone will be 4g.... if youre set on a 4g phone, wait for the Droid Bionic (supposedly april 21st)

if you dont want to pay the insane prices for 4g - grab a 3g phone and be set, iphone 4 - droid x - droid 2, whatever

i honestly don't even know the difference between what 3g and 4g is other than 4g is supposed to be faster

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I picked up the Verizon iPhone 4 a couple weeks ago and couldn't be happier. I was originally thinking Droid, but I didn't care for the size of the Droid X and didn't like the sliding keyboard feature of the Droid 2. Also, Matt & Holly love their iPhones so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm not an Apple fan at all, but I do love this phone.

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i honestly don't even know the difference between what 3g and 4g is other than 4g is supposed to be faster

i think thats it? hell i dont know...i have 3g and its fast enough for me and does anything i need it to do...i can do anything on my droid x that i can do on my computer for the most part, so i have no use for 4g - i will upgrade in the future when its not "new" and the price comes down...4g service is ridiculous priced

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I picked up the Verizon iPhone 4 a couple weeks ago and couldn't be happier. I was originally thinking Droid, but I didn't care for the size of the Droid X and didn't like the sliding keyboard feature of the Droid 2. Also, Matt & Holly love their iPhones so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm not an Apple fan at all, but I do love this phone.

size and battery life is why i prefer the iphone. The keyboard is why i like the droid 2. I got fat fingers so the thought of pure touch screen worries me. Though I no doubt figure the touch screen is far superior to use than my current phone or the gps units ive used where my opinion comes from

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size and battery life is why i prefer the iphone. The keyboard is why i like the droid 2. I got fat fingers so the thought of pure touch screen worries me. Though I no doubt figure the touch screen is far superior to use than my current phone or the gps units ive used where my opinion comes from

droid x battery life > all other smart phones

and the big screen is nice for trolling OR

GPS units are pieces of shit...i have to manhandle mine to get it to type a letter lol....i have fat fingers too and i get around just fine...and for typing on droid x, theres a program installed on it called Swype that makes it all so much easier

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4g in theory is all internet voip based. yes much faster, very close to a laptop with skype over a network.

i have the 3g old school, i plan on waiting til the summer for the iphone 5 so i can buy the iphone 4, unless the iphone 5 is indeed worth it

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I have an iPhone 4 and I've used the Droid 2 (sister-in-law's). Between those two, I'd pick the iPhone...which I don't really even like, yet. I prefer my Blackberry Bold, basically because I'm used to it. To each their own. Regardless, I don't think you could be too disappointed with either.

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My upgrade was due last month. I still use my Storm 2 though. (Just bought a battery on ebay for it actually as mine was dead) I figure I'll wait to see what all the 4G fuss is about this summer and check out the IPhone5 and compare to the Bionic. I am a Google fan of sorts, I strongly urge the use of open source software. Besides, I'm a Google apps administrator so Droid is kind of in my blood. This IPhone intrigues me though. I'm going to wait. I hate my storm. In fact, I'll never have another blackberry. I support multiple companies who use blackberry an I'm hear to say, BB better get their asses in gear, or get left behind. Who here thinks big red somehow "hits the switch" and causes batteries to die after their new every two is up? I'm noticing a trend both 1st hand over my last few contracts, and with others I know as well.

Edited by chrisknight
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Debating on a new phone myself. I just got back from looking at phones and the one thing I noticed from reading CNet reviews and talking to the sales guy is battery life is greatly reduced on a 4G phone/network. Something else to consider if you're waiting for that new iphone or whatever.

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i was going to wait for droid bionic, but the price for the 4g network is insane...ill stick with 3g phones until the 4g novelty wears off a little bit...my 3g phone never goes dead, and i have it unplugged and in use for about 18hrs a day give or take...im sure ill not miss 4g that much lol...i figure in 2 years verizons 4g network will be a little cheaper, more along the line with their current 3g network (i imagine 4g becoming the new standard)

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size and battery life is why i prefer the iphone.

if the droid was as crippled as the iphone its battery would last forever too :rolleyes:

honestly, my biggest battery drain is angry birds.

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if the droid was as crippled as the iphone its battery would last forever too :rolleyes:

honestly, my biggest battery drain is angry birds.

crippled? meaning what, I don't follow

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