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racing sponsorship questions


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WERA's contingency guidelines are simple enough, but I've got a few questions:

- can i just get the decals made up myself? Dunlop requires an 11" decal, vortex wants one on my swing-arm, etc.

- where are the forms I need to fill out?

- Is anyone running Ohioriders.net as a "sponsor?" I don't have a decal, but I know there are instructions to get those...

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WERA's contingency guidelines are simple enough, but I've got a few questions:

- can i just get the decals made up myself? Dunlop requires an 11" decal, vortex wants one on my swing-arm, etc. YES

- where are the forms I need to fill out? You fill them out at registration, sometimes they are online on WERA's website but will always be available at registration

- Is anyone running Ohioriders.net as a "sponsor?" I don't have a decal, but I know there are instructions to get those... YES

My answers are in bold

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Methinks you don't understand how grassroots racing / contingency programs work.

You buy their products, you run their sticker (yes, it's usually provided when you buy their product they're paying contingency on), and if you win or sometimes just place - they cut you a very small check as a "good job, thanks for using our product and winning with it", after you verify you're running their product/decal.

"Sponsorship" is probably misleading you, in this case. Contingency is the appropriate word.

Disclosure: I only know how this works in NHRA/IHRA from my family's experience. WERA/AMA may be different, but I figure it's a pretty universal business process.

Edited by JRMMiii
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i bet if you contact the "racer sponsorship/contingency" departments, they'll send you stickers and contracts and etc, or at the very least give you some instructions.

you can try getting on Hookit or xtrm something something website that is all about the sponsorships for various sports.

good luck on your racing!

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Methinks you don't understand how grassroots racing / contingency programs work.

You buy their products, you run their sticker (yes, it's usually provided when you buy their product they're paying contingency on), and if you win or sometimes just place - they cut you a very small check as a "good job, thanks for using our product and winning with it", after you verify you're running their product/decal.

ahh i see...yea, i didn't quite understand...thanks for the clarity.

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yeah, this is all totally irrelevant unless I place highly enough, so i'm really not worried about it just yet, but my racer profile is up, and I sent the link to my wife.

the first thing she says back is, "why don't you have any sponsors listed?"

My witty retort of, "because the only one I listed was 'understanding wife,'" drew a sympathy laugh at best.

I'm thinking my friends will buy ad space to make fun of me though. "I TAKE IT IN THE BUTT" should cost them about $100 for a 4"x10" sticker...

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- Is anyone running Ohioriders.net as a "sponsor?" I don't have a decal, but I know there are instructions to get those...

A handful are running with large Ohio Riders stickers on their belly pans this year. I'm not sure where this will go yet, but it's going somewhere.

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I'm not looking for contingency money from OR.net, but growing the community is never a bad thing.

...unless you'er handing out contingency money; in that case, I'll take it.

He is not giving out money, it is just those of us that want to spread the word on the site.

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OR Stickers are cool. Like me running a decal for a friend that passed away. It is a call out and recognizing what you are into or friends you have, etc. Very cool...

However, DO NOT put decals on your bike unless one of two things:

-You get paid to run them (Contingency)

-You get a discount or free stuff.

My opinion, if they do not give you a substantial discount or free stuff, it shouldn't go on your bike. Some guys get a 20% off retail discount or run through a website that gets them support, but it is never a face to face like it used to be.

We get free brake pads, free oil, free labor, free products, super discounts on certain things and some of it is giving kudos to folks I think are worth mentioning like 614 Paintworx, etc...

The idea is that you run the decals and say they are the best and get a SMALL check. That's not sponsorship...

Create your own decals and do it right. We run decals that are all the same color and look professional. I hate different colored stickers lumped on to a belly pan...

As for the contingency, you need to look closely. For example, some require to be registered on XTRM or similar. Most do not require a need to fill out paperwork each event. Most if needing filled out is simply a tech form with WERA and they send the results to the companies. If they need to fill out paperwork, you do it once a year and go from there. Long gone are the days where you fill out several contingency forms each and every race weekend. THANK GOD!!!

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I am totally open to running stickers to support friends and shops that have helped me out, but I am going to stop worrying about contingency until I'm actually placing high enough to earn it.

in novice classes, that's usually a podium; top-5 if it's a big grid. I've got a lot of work to do before it matters.

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