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Unknown Rider DOA this evening in Westerville 3/6/11


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I didn't see it happen but I was there after the fact. My story is third party so you'll have to watch NBC4 news or read the Dispatch tomorrow. From what a witness told me he was running from the cops east bound on Schrock Rd east of State St. (Westerville Rd/Rt 3). Speed limit on this road is 25 mph - residential area. Long sweeping left curve and he didn't make it. Went up a driveway on the right, across the lawn, lost it coming off the curb of a side street, hit the other curb with his head. DOA.

I couldn't get close enough to see in detail - cops everywhere. I saw the bike underneath a truck in the driveway. Don't know what kind of bike. The rider was under a sheet against the curb. Don't know age of the rider. Don't know how fast he was going but witnesses say really fast. Could have been 45 mph, could have been 90 mph. Who knows? It's a long sweeping curve so he'd have to have been flying right along to miss it.

You shouldn't have run. R.I.P. unknown rider.

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The way the story reads, he may have been a new rider and wasn't sure how to actually ride. Or a squid.

kinda makes more sense that way, but you just never know until the real details come out. helmet/no helmet, bad road conditions, underskilled. Regardless very sad, went out for a ride tonight around 7 it was nice! :nono:

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The second story is from London rider from Springfield. Keny rd is literally right behind my work. I drive on it a lot there's some curves but nothing crazy. Speed limit is 35mph.

RIP riders.

Guys and girls please keep it in mind the dangers of riding a motorcycle and don't raise the stakes by riding irresponsibly. It's early in the season the roads are dirty take your time so we can ride the rest of the season. Make sure your bike is well maintained. Be safe yall.

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The second story is from London rider from Springfield. Keny rd is literally right behind my work. I drive on it a lot there's some curves but nothing crazy. Speed limit is 35mph.

I'm very familiar with that road too, as I service the fire alarm at Stanley Electric alot.

I'm betting this guy was attempting to go around the semi and it turned into him. Or when he realized it was turning it was to late.

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After talking to some folks from work the guy was on 42 near Keny. So it was by the car dealership and the crown sports lounge. But still a 35mph zone. I think it comes down to bad choices. It's a horrible way to learn though.

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