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  1. 1. 48÷2(9+3)=?

    • 2
    • 288

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yea... I definitely solved this in my head and got 288. I just included the calculator links to help people see why it is right. It is 288. BTW you are using Wolfram Alpha wrong because it gives the correct answer for the proof you provided. I'm sorry if this new fangled technology is too tough for ya :D

Yup. The wolframalpha said one of the original was proved correct and the "other" number was correct when using implied operation.

This would mean a(b+c) does not equal (ab+ac).

I said we weren't allowed to warp space and/or time. No alternate universes allowed.

We can't have two correct answers.

Wolframalpha failed to pass the test.

There are calculators that will perform both the original and the proof correctly. But the proof is necessary.

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In case you are wondering... still wondering...

After even more research, I find this:

Teachers, books, and calculators are all divided on which way it should be done. There is no consensus. I also find that the TI-82 and earlier calculators did it one way, and the TI-83 and later does it the other way.

So to answer your question, I think both answers can be considered

right - which means, of course, that the question itself is wrong.


I'm still not happy with the concept of "two right answers". It should never happen. Developing a proper proof of any algebraic statement should always determine what is correct. I'm more inclined to consider both answers wrong.

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I vote we use the equation to decide how many times we should shoot the person who wrote the equation so poorly. We can shoot him 2 times or 288 times. Who still want the answer to be 2? :lol:

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in case you are wondering... Still wondering...

After even more research, i find this:

Teachers, books, and calculators are all divided on which way it should be done. There is no consensus. I also find that the ti-82 and earlier calculators did it one way, and the ti-83 and later does it the other way.


i'm still not happy with the concept of "two right answers". It should never happen. Developing a proper proof of any algebraic statement should always determine what is correct. I'm more inclined to consider both answers wrong.

ti-83 > ti-82

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I was thinking about this last night.

The answer can go either way, you can either divide first or multiply first. But...

In these types of situations social norms and mores step in and dictate what will be done. For a large portion of the world, we're taught multiply then divide. Simply because that is what our society has chosen as correct, in this instance makes it correct.

From a strictly technical side of things, both are correct. Also, both are completely arbitrary and abstract. In those instances, society takes over and decides a "right" or "best" answer. Either intentionally, or through random chance (bubble gum is pink, because the inventor only had red food coloring at the time) something is chosen.

There's nothing wrong with 288, it's not incorrect mathematically speaking. But it's not the best answer according to society. We're mostly taught multiplication first, then division. Some deep thinking mathematicians will disagree, but no one will listen, and those that do, will never get this question right on a test anywhere else.

So the answer is 2.

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I was thinking about this last night.

The answer can go either way, you can either divide first or multiply first. But...

In these types of situations social norms and mores step in and dictate what will be done. For a large portion of the world, we're taught multiply then divide. Simply because that is what our society has chosen as correct, in this instance makes it correct.

From a strictly technical side of things, both are correct. Also, both are completely arbitrary and abstract. In those instances, society takes over and decides a "right" or "best" answer. Either intentionally, or through random chance (bubble gum is pink, because the inventor only had red food coloring at the time) something is chosen.

There's nothing wrong with 288, it's not incorrect mathematically speaking. But it's not the best answer according to society. We're mostly taught multiplication first, then division. Some deep thinking mathematicians will disagree, but no one will listen, and those that do, will never get this question right on a test anywhere else.

So the answer is 2.

Ummm look at the poll. By your logic 288 should be correct because more people on almost every poll I have seen agree that it is 288.

quwip, you're in some sort of computer engineering or something, right?

Yea I am a CS&E major

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Technically ti minus 82 would be less than (<) ti minus 82. :D

Do I have to correct all the math errors?:rolleyes:


Actually, that is =, unless you wrote your equation improperly like the one who originated the 48/2(9+3)

Or did you mean ti minus 83 < ti minus 82 ;)

New equation: Newb > buildit :rolleyes:

Edited by Wicked
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Actually, that is =, unless you wrote your equation improperly like the one who originated the 48/2(9+3)

Or did you mean ti minus 83 < ti minus 82 ;)

New equation: Newb > buildit :rolleyes:

My bad, I was trying to be ironic and f'd up my own joke. I corrected it so that I do not create a rip in the space time continuum. :D

Should have been :

Technically ti minus 83 would be less than (<) ti minus 82

But the joke is now me not the pun. :(

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