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A Google quote isn't much better than a Wiki quote. And that batch of math in #249 has taken some serious liberties to get the results desired. Math (numbers) can do anything you want. That doesn't make it right.

I quote that because it was the closest to my reasoning and it was a better explanation than I could write. :D As I said earlier it is a poorly formated equation and I have never liked Goodyear tires. :lol:

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once again calculators are not always right, and the left to right rule applies when you have two of the same type like 2 additions or 2 division ect. and saying that pemdas(order of operations) doesnt matter is like saying traffic lights dont matter just go. if you want to get worked up over a math problem go for it.

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once again calculators are not always right, and the left to right rule applies when you have two of the same type like 2 additions or 2 division ect. and saying that pemdas(order of operations) doesnt matter is like saying traffic lights dont matter just go. if you want to get worked up over a math problem go for it.


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once again calculators are not always right, and the left to right rule applies when you have two of the same type like 2 additions or 2 division ect. and saying that pemdas(order of operations) doesnt matter is like saying traffic lights dont matter just go. if you want to get worked up over a math problem go for it.

:lol: Holy PEMDAS, Batman!

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we need to take this to the board of education and slap the shit out of them, then ask why are differnt districs teaching different things. im sorry im slow on this form but im at work using a slow phone. apparently different districs are teaching different meaning of pemdas(for those who know it)

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once again calculators are not always right, and the left to right rule applies when you have two of the same type like 2 additions or 2 division ect. and saying that pemdas(order of operations) doesnt matter is like saying traffic lights dont matter just go. if you want to get worked up over a math problem go for it.

Wrong. So wrong, I don't even know what to say. :lol:

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Note to self ... do not buy Goodyear ...

+1 if that is coming from a "top engineer"

scottie - stfu, this has nothing to do with PEMDAS.....mult and div have the same rank, its left to right. nobody else is even talking about that shit....your top engineer is a retard too if he believes that.


+1000000 :bow:

I don't know why the hell he doesn't understand that but I guess that is what happens when you are kicking it sideways at 140 on your tuna

Wait are we still on this PEMDAS thing? People don't realize that multiplication and division have the same precedence? Wow... so does that mean that you always do addition before subtraction?

No that is just scottie know it all engineer who either can't read or comprehend what has been posted about 50 times that just because it says PEMDAS, doesn't mean that the M & D and also the A & S can't be switched around since they hold the same weight.

once again calculators are not always right, and the left to right rule applies when you have two of the same type like 2 additions or 2 division ect. and saying that pemdas(order of operations) doesnt matter is like saying traffic lights dont matter just go. if you want to get worked up over a math problem go for it.

Jackass, this has nothing to do with a calculator at this point:confused:, go back and do the problem that I posted up and tell me what the answer is. It is about your order of operations that you are out of order on.

seriously though, calculators are right most the time but there are certain problems they cannot do.

And neither can you:nono:

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Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

I learned something new on OR, thank Casper.

1. Perform the operations inside Parentheses first

2. Then Exponents

3. Then Multiplication and Division, from left to right

4. Then Addition and Subtraction, from left to right

5. You can also create a little phrase to memorize the sequence:

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally:D

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