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obama releases long form


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who cares. this is such a non-issue. WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES TO DEAL WITH

now someone is gonna bitch that obama was scanning his birth certificate when he should have been fixing the economy.

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This is a never-win situation because now that you HAVE the document, everyone's just going to question the authenticity.

With all the problems in this country, people STILL want to have this discussion over a piece of paper that sufficed for all the other Presidents -- where's Bush's 'long-form'? Clinton's? At this point, even if he was an alien from outer space, it's not like you can rollback every decision he's made over the past 3 years.

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here's the other thing i never understood... did they know when he was born he was destined to be president of the US, so they put the birth announcement in the newpaper to cover their tracks?

most people ive talked to who are so adamant about it also believe that humans and dinosaurs lived together 6000 years ago... so yeah....

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This is a never-win situation because now that you HAVE the document, everyone's just going to question the authenticity.

With all the problems in this country, people STILL want to have this discussion over a piece of paper that sufficed for all the other Presidents -- where's Bush's 'long-form'? Clinton's? At this point, even if he was an alien from outer space, it's not like you can rollback every decision he's made over the past 3 years.

and if you removed Obama from office, we'd be left with Joe Biden as President. that'd be greeeeaaat. :rolleyes:

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here's the other thing i never understood... did they know when he was born he was destined to be president of the US, so they put the birth announcement in the newpaper to cover their tracks?

most people ive talked to who are so adamant about it also believe that humans and dinosaurs lived together 6000 years ago... so yeah....

what's a dinosaur, there's no mention of dinosaurs in the bible:D

oh and jesus was an arab. not a white man with a beard. (i love telling christians this)

Edited by serpentracer
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Jesus was not necessarily arab, but probably had olive skin.

"In more recent times the fact that the Middle East was a meeting point of cultures and races has led to suggestions that Jesus may have been African or Arabian. The ancient Near East was the primary means of access for traders and travelers seeking to access Africa via the adjoining Levant. Hence, the bordering Roman provinces of Judea and Galilee (Jesus' home region)[7] witnessed multiple waves of immigrants passing through those primarily Semitic lands. As such, it is conceivable that Jesus' lineage could have borne traces of Arab, Aramean, Berber, Roman, Greek, Black African, Persian or Indian ancestry. The aggressive policy of territorial expansion and forced conversion to Judaism practiced by John Hyrcanus a century before Jesus' birth may also have affected the ethnic make-up of the local Jewish populations.

It is most commonly argued that Jesus was probably of Middle Eastern descent because of the geographic location of the events described in the Gospels, and, among some modern Christian scholars, the genealogy ascribed to him. For this reason, he has been portrayed as an olive-skinned individual typical of the Levant region."


Yep, and finally Barry answered. Too bad it took Trump to force his hand, but at least its over.

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regarding trump, i think people here in the fly over states forget that you have to be a real scumbag to get to the top of ANY business in NYC, and that real estate is the SCUMMIEST business in NYC.

to get to the top of the real estate game in NYC, you cant just be some regular run of the mill scumbag. you have to be a real piece of work.

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This is a never-win situation because now that you HAVE the document, everyone's just going to question the authenticity.


Orly Taint don't believe it, of course, it also kills her 15 minutes of fame.


And the fucktards on Freep.


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Obama was indeed a genetically developed Kenyan Baby Operative- cleverly wisked into US territories at birth to establish citizenship, created specifically to infiltrate the United States' government, and bring death panels to the people of Arizona.

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Not necessarily because if he was found to be unqualified he couldn't have ran and Joe biden couldn't have been vice president. I think its a non issue now I personallywill be honest I think its phony. I think we need to focus on getting rid of him and the other socialist! Now to be clear I don't consider myself a birther because i believe he is a citizen I however question the "natural born" . I don't believe we will ever know the truth supposedly his grandmother on her deathbed admitted she witnessed his birth in Kenya. I really could care less at this point let's get him out and elect a constitionalist conservative.

I love people like this. "I don't consider myself a birther"... but I'm seriously a birther.

Go back to listening to Rush and Glenn Beck.

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Fight trolls with trolls.

So Obama's children are "natural" born, but Obama isn't? So, he's one generation too soon eh?

Please enlighten us on the "extremely liberal Marxist politics" that Obama has singlehandedly implemented to undermine America. Please cite your sources.

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