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Stupid Rain...


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Dammit, I just looked at the radar, for what's up for tomorrow.

Mass quantities of rain headed this way. I'm getting tired of rain, more rain, and then rain again. I swear this is way more than normal, or just unlucky to get central Ohio hit over and over. But from the looks of it, Cleveland, Dayton, and Cincinnati have not been spared either.

And I'll ride in rain if I can possible get to work somewhat dry. I don't care if I get wet going home. Just not happening the last two weeks. And it still looks like rain for a few more days. A lot of rain.

rant on/

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I feel ya man, cant stand all the wind that we've had along with the rain - seems we cant catch a week stretch of decent weather just a day here and there......breaks a comin' though, I can smell it

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I have been riding on days that the weather has said rain, they have been the sunniest and the most windy. The past few weeks the weather has been predicted as just rain every day. I figure I will just play it by ear and ride for a couple hours in the evening if I get the chance and its nice. I just want it to say it will be nice for a change instead of the gambles. I don't care if I get wet, its when it pours and it becomes unsafe is what I don't want to get in the middle of. I saw a guy go down on the freeway in pouring rain just because he hit a normal bump in the road and lost traction...don't want.

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Dropping your tire pressure 7 or 8 lbs helps giving a bit wider footprint on the road, within a reasonable speed that is.....and only temporarily - just remember to pump them back up when its dry though;););)

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  ReconRat said:
Dammit, I just looked at the radar, for what's up for tomorrow.

Mass quantities of rain headed this way. I'm getting tired of rain, more rain, and then rain again. I swear this is way more than normal, or just unlucky to get central Ohio hit over and over. But from the looks of it, Cleveland, Dayton, and Cincinnati have not been spared either.

And I'll ride in rain if I can possible get to work somewhat dry. I don't care if I get wet going home. Just not happening the last two weeks. And it still looks like rain for a few more days. A lot of rain.

rant on/

Wow! Very non-typical ReconRat post! Tom's usually not whiney like this!

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  ReconRat said:
I'm not whining, I'm going to kill a rain cloud...

Please do! Go ninja on that cloud's ass! :lol:

I'm sick of the rain as well. Today was the first time I've been able to mow the yard. THAT was a chore, even on the rider.

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I will ride in the rain, the rain with high winds is what keeps me in the car. My wife bought me rain gear so I can stay dry. Looks wet out but heading to Hebron on the bike, all the Harley guys at work get freaked out...lol. I guess if I had to polish 3 tons of chrome I would not ride either.

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So the very large rain storm stalled out, didn't arrive during the day, and is just now getting here. I could have rode to work in a light drizzle this morning, had I known...

You know you live in Ohio, when a light drizzle is attractive to ride in.

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  Ringo said:
If we all use our minds together we can become cloud bursters :o, how fucking awwesome would that be.

Love that movie...Jedi Warrior!!!

This rain is getting a bit out of hand...not only that but the few nice days we have had lately I have been stuck working and/or watching the kids...neither of which is conducive to a good day of riding. Bring on a dry spell already!!!

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Anyone that commutes by bike has to be getting a little tired of this rain.I'm making it about four days a week,but usually it's raining to hard in the morning one day a week.I'm like ReconRat,I don't mind getting wet going home,but I hate getting too wet in the morning.

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Mucho riders on road tomorrow morning. I don't care if it's a bit cold. No rain, mostly dry.

Watch out for silt sand dirt debris on road from all the water.

edit: ok ok, 33% chance of .03"-.04" rain between 11am and 5pm on Weds. Might max at 2 hours.

Temps 39F to 56F. Winds N to NW 5 to 9mph. Gusts 8 to 14.

Minimal rain should be in the form of thunderstorms somewhere.

Cold for May...

Edited by ReconRat
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