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president to speak to the nation tonight at 10:30 (5/1)


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So, what's the over/under on how this will be spun politically? This event occurred during the first term of a Democrat presidency. What's the 'so what' of that?
Of course he shouldn't :rolleyes:. Quoting for future reference that if you're not DIRECTLY involved, you get ZERO credit.

I'm not gonna give him zero credit but I'm gonna give him very little because I'm assuming ultimately all he had to do was give the yes or no go ahead for the mission.

I'm going to give all the credit in the world though to the badasses who went in there put his ass down. I will also give credit to whoever was behind the years of intel and all that good shit. THEY did all the work, The President just gives the yes/no for action. I don't care who is in office, I'd say the same thing for any of them

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Stated that this was due to the fact that he was a muslim and it had something to do with their religious beliefs; and I added to that and said well we all know who the new head muslim is dont we.

Exactly. And of course our wonderful leader would want to honor this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm not gonna give him zero credit but I'm gonna give him very little because I'm assuming ultimately all he had to do was give the yes or no go ahead for the mission.

Granted, it's not like Obama pulled the trigger himself, I get it -- but a boss's job is to put people under him that are competent and make the boss look good. Even if all Obama did was give the yes/no to the suggestions from his cabinet... he still picked the cabinet. And when you select good people underneath you that make your job easy, you're a good boss.

It was someone's idea to lean more heavily on the predator drones, and Obama said he'd go into Pakistan with or without approval from the Pakistani gov't.


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That's probably true, I just find it interesting that some of the people that minimize these events because Obama is in office are the same people that would gloat if McCain or Bush were in office. And vice-versa.

It's rare to find someone that looks at this objectively, should it be looked at objectively? And if you listen to ANY of the media, they're going to spin it one way or the other as well -- goading you to 'pick a side'.

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Boss here at work (seems to be one of the smartest people I know, truthfully, not joking) Stated that this was due to the fact that he was a muslim and it had something to do with their religious beliefs; and I added to that and said well we all know who the new head muslim is dont we.

Yeah kind of. It is part of Islamic belief to have a burial within 24 hours or something like that. Dumped him the ocean to try to prevent him from becoming a martyr for anyone...

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Debating who get to take credit is pointless. Once the intelligence was strong enough to act on....they did. Anyone in that position would have done the same.

Agreed. At this point I don't care or know 100% if hes dead or alive or hell maybe even captured. To me it doesn't matter because there is 1000's more of those assholes that need put down because they will just do the same things he has done. So hooray this shit bag is supposedly gone but it doesn't mean its over because I can all but guarantee there was a succession plan for his cronies to carry out more of his plans so lets keep sending our bad asses after them to dispose of them. I don't care if Mickey Mouse is the President, this is what I think should be done

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I guess they buried him at sea. Next time I go on vacation I am going to pee in the ocean with a very satisfied looking smile on my face knowing that I am pissing on his grave.

I think they should have stuffed him full of pork and not have buried him just give his body to the city of New York.

I dotn believe it. Prove it for 1. Saying that his body was buried at sea...

WTF is that. The last remainging pieces of the Twin towers should be constructed into a gallos and that bastard should be hanging from it. Buried at sea, who the F made that decision!

Exxxactly... The timing of this & the fact they buried him at sea seem fishy to me

They shoulda strung his ass up on a pike in front of Ground Zero so everybody could take turns spitting on him

Muslims keep disowning him, saying he's NOT one of them... So why do we give 2 shits about honoring Muslim burial traditions?? They can't have it both ways... He is, or he isn't

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Exxxactly... The timing of this & the fact they buried him at sea seem fishy to me

They shoulda strung his ass up on a pike in front of Ground Zero so everybody could take turns spitting on him

Muslims keep disowning him, saying he's NOT one of them... So why do we give 2 shits about honoring Muslim burial traditions?? They can't have it both ways... He is, or he isn't

OK, but there any many sects of Muslims and all of them don't share the exact same opinion. Opinions of the US are different all over the world. Why give another reason for Muslims to hate us?

I think burying at sea was smart. It avoids giving extremists a burial site as a symbol to fight over.

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Wow first birthers, now deathers.

to me it has nothing to do with who the commander in chief is and it has everything to do with wanting proof. I have no proof to say it didn't happen as they said it did but that is just the kind of person I am with everything, not just the government

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to me it has nothing to do with who the commander in chief is and it has everything to do with wanting proof. I have no proof to say it didn't happen as they said it did but that is just the kind of person I am with everything, not just the government

Want them to bring the body by your house so you can inspect personally?

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Want them to bring the body by your house so you can inspect personally?

if they let me put another round or 2 in him for good measure that would be fantastic :D

But seriously, like I said I have no proof that its not true. Sure I have my "gut feeling doubts" but that surely won't hold up in a court so it matters very little.

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It's too late to ask, but you think Osama was a '2' or '288' guy?


But, seriously, while I don't think Obama should get the credit for this, I don't care whether he does or not. He's still not a friend of the military or this country for that matter. He still doesn't have a snow ball's chance in hell of getting re-elected. One "atta boy" doesn't erase years of "Oh shit" moments.

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http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=bin+laden&aq=&sll=34.146667,73.216389&sspn=0.143204,0.220757&g=Abbottabad,+Pakistan&ie=UTF8&ll=34.169231,73.242572&spn=0.001118,0.001725&t=h&z=19 location of compound de la bin Laden

He was living within the aerial defense/intercept zone of the capital.

There be no Predators flying there.

edit: corrected location. Bad intel.

Edited by ReconRat
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Geneva convention, we have these rules for a reason.

F the G convention... I dont remember attending that convention, like most the others I have been sent to. So I look at it like the ones from work, anything learned... Does not apply. :D enough alcohol will erase anything.

we needed proof in this country! We can spend millions to track down hussien. But, we did not shoot him in the hole he was hiding in and say it was all good. Did we?

24hrs to dispose of the body is b.s.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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Google map location of compound de la bin Laden

He was living within the aerial defense/intercept zone of the capital.

There be no Predators flying there.

And he was well aware of this. Oh yeah, and the fact that he was surrounded by troops of a major division of a complicit government. He was hiding in plain sight.

Everyone stop worrying about who takes credit for it. The folks that don't like the President are going to find a reason to not give him any credit for anything. The folks that support the President blindly are going to go the other way. There will be a small minority who will sit in the middle and just deal with the facts (removing all emotion and faulty logic from their decision making). OBL is dead. The hunt for him started before the current administration, but it ended DURING this administration. The President had actionable intelligence and authorized the kill. End of story. It doesn't end 'The War On Terror'. There are people still out there that want to do us harm...and that's not gonna change anytime soon. We're gonna do fucked up shit to other countries....and that's not changing anytime soon. Al Qaeda is not going to fold. If you want to be frank about it, this makes it increasingly difficult going forward because now he's a martyr, and AQ will most likely not be as structured as before. You'll have MORE splinter groups doing their own thing. I don't think they'll have the capabilities to pull of another 9/11 easily, but you'll have more plots and groups to track. Not to mention the revenge plots.

And dumping his body at sea was smart. If they took his as a prisoner, then you would have had a massive security situation on your hands. Not to mention the political BS associated with his 'fair treatment'. It would be a logistical nightmare. If you kill him and keep his body, you still have a logistical nightmare because his burial site will ALWAYS be a target. Documenting his death and disposing of the body was the best way to handle this, IMHO.

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I can see dumping the body at sea. Makes sense to me, but it would have been nice to get proof from our government instead of "We check DNA, we say he's dead." Cuz it's not like they have ever lied to us or anything.

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I can see dumping the body at sea. Makes sense to me, but it would have been nice to get proof from our government instead of "We check DNA, we say he's dead." Cuz it's not like they have ever lied to us or anything.

Why do you hate America?

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