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president to speak to the nation tonight at 10:30 (5/1)


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No, Bad only turns into a hot headed ignorant asshole when you take his strippers away and tell him the blow is gone.

don't mess with my tits and my high man, you don't want me strung out

Yeah... He even stayed calm when GenFly slapped him

I've been hit harder with a boob in the face than that little tap :D

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Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. American servicemen, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did.

Obama just happened to be the one in office when our intel finally found UBL and our servicemen took him out.

This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!

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Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. American servicemen, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did.

Obama just happened to be the one in office when our intel finally found UBL and our servicemen took him out.

This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!

Wow I could of sworn somewhere that Obama was the one that said service members would still get paid...

If only he had made some special trip over and there was video of him saying just that same thing.

It was a team effort by people in a lot of different positions at a lot of different levels.

American servicemen didn't kill OBL just one SEAL did based on your logic.

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Wow I could of sworn somewhere that Obama was the one that said service members would still get paid...

Should have NEVER even been a consideration to NOT pay them

The fact that it was even considered... Is an offense to our men & women in uniform

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Thank you to the men and women in our military that have busted there ass. Obama better not get any credit for this though because he did not want anything to do with being over there....Interesting that this occurs just as Obama's approval rating is as low as it has ever been...

Sucks that he is going to get higher approval ratings for this and get re-ellected.

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Obama approved the surprise attack' date=' instead of the carpet bombing. I respect that. As an American, who wanted to make sure there was a dead body, he has my respect. I don't agree with pretty much everything he stands for, politically. Regardless, President Obama made the right call and let his and our military do their thing. Give credit where credit is due. Obama threw down the Ace of Spades on this mission. Nothing taken away from the men in uniform that did the deed, but he's the Commander-in-Chief. He deserves this victory just as much as any other president.[/quote']

Not sure if you know this but they usually fly in at night kill / capture everybody then bomb it the next day. Do you honestly believe they would drop a bomb instead and not be able to verify the death of Osama?

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Not sure if you know this but they usually fly in at night kill / capture everybody then bomb it the next day. Do you honestly believe they would drop a bomb instead and not be able to verify the death of Osama?

You're so cute...

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But, seriously, while I don't think Obama should get the credit for this, I don't care whether he does or not. He's still not a friend of the military or this country for that matter. He still doesn't have a snow ball's chance in hell of getting re-elected. One "atta boy" doesn't erase years of "Oh shit" moments.

I REALLy hope you're right. That was probably the second

Thought that went through my head when I heard about this. That this is going to cinch his re-election

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Now watch Pakistan not handing out a nuke to these fuggers......

"oops thought it was candy"......

they are more of a threat than Iran........fuggers......

btw: did any of the Seals confirmed whether OBL and his wife was naked in bed :sex: that may be the reason the photos are not released......:p

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Obama approved the surprise attack' date=' instead of the carpet bombing. I respect that. As an American, who wanted to make sure there was a dead body, he has my respect. I don't agree with pretty much everything he stands for, politically. Regardless, President Obama made the right call and let his and our military do their thing. Give credit where credit is due. Obama threw down the Ace of Spades on this mission. Nothing taken away from the men in uniform that did the deed, but he's the Commander-in-Chief. He deserves this victory just as much as any other president.[/quote']

I agree.

Personally I do support Obama.I voted for him the last time and I will vote for him again.This is just one of the many stinking piles of shit that the Bush/Chaney cartel left for Obama to clean up.

It amazes me that anyone could vote re-puke after what Bush/Chaney did to this country.

Great job SEALS,good call Mr.President.

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