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president to speak to the nation tonight at 10:30 (5/1)


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sure you would.

and if on some slim chance you actually didnt, well, thats fine... but you just ostracized yourself. any bill you bring up dies in committee. and when its time for re-election, they pay for someone else's election campaign and you get voted out.

let me put it this way if Obama offered me a million dollars to vote for him I still wouldn't vote for him. I have morals and standards. I alsi wouldn't worry about being voted out. The government does too much at the federal level as it is FYI.
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I believe Paul Revere rode a Screaming Eagle Harley bagger with a custom airbrushed American flag paintjob through the streets to warn the colonists that the British were coming on the backs of dinosaurs and piloting AT-ATs, because that's what a red blooded American would've done. And ya'll can't tell me otherwise because it's crap.

Stupid liberal revisionist history.

Here's another Revolutionary battle that actually happened -- the liberals don't want you to find out about this.


Edited by JRMMiii
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The average person meaning you! Last time I checked ivy league colleges didn't exist in the founding. Our forefathers were farmers and average folk of course I guess its possible my racist troll history book is different than yours. I don't buy into the crap the liberals teach. I believe America is a great nation filled with great people unlike the libs.

Racist troll out!

Ive league colleges? Is that the only place to get an education?

Thomas Jefferson went to The College of William and Mary.

James Madison went to the College of New Jersey which is now Princeton.

Benjamin Franklin as far as I know didn't go to college, but is well known as a inventor and founder of a library. Not only that, he founded an academy which is now the University of Pennsylvania.

John Adams went to Harvard.

Alexander Hamilton went to Kings College which is now Columbia.

...and so and so forth.

At least you admit you're a racist.

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Just quoting Justin on the racist troll part.

Thomas Jefferson Career Lawyer, Planter

Gee a Planter or commoner who then studied law. Was he a working man?

James Madison A member of the Virginia planter class, he attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton Univ.)

Planter huh maybe a farmer a commoner?

John Adams He graduated in 1755. Young John, who had no interest in a ministerial career, taught in a Latin school in Worcester, Massachusetts, to earn the tuition fees to study law, and from 1756 to 1758, he studied law with a prominent local lawyer in Worcester.

Working man? He was born to a fairly wealthy school.

Alexander Hamilton Hamilton's education was brief. He began working between the ages of eleven and thirteen for a trading company in St. Croix, an island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In 1772 he left to attend school in the American colonies. After a few months at an academy in New Jersey, he enrolled in King's College in New York City. Intelligent enough to master most subjects without formal instruction and eager to win success and fame early in life, he left college in 1776 without graduating.

Another working man huh wow!!!

So they were formally educated commoners amazing some might say they were working men.

The colleges were not near as liberal then as they are now either.

The Constitution was written in plain English so that anybody could read and understand it. I am sorry that you liberals are not capable of understanding the plain English in the Constitution.

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The colleges were not near as liberal then as they are now either.

Good thing you've never had to worry about getting a degree from one.

Unless you're commenting because of your vast experience in the changes... I don't know if I could work on a degree for over 200 years and still not have one.

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Just quoting Justin on the racist troll part.

Thomas Jefferson Career Lawyer, Planter

Gee a Planter or commoner who then studied law. Was he a working man?

James Madison A member of the Virginia planter class, he attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton Univ.)

Planter huh maybe a farmer a commoner?

John Adams He graduated in 1755. Young John, who had no interest in a ministerial career, taught in a Latin school in Worcester, Massachusetts, to earn the tuition fees to study law, and from 1756 to 1758, he studied law with a prominent local lawyer in Worcester.

Working man? He was born to a fairly wealthy school.

Alexander Hamilton Hamilton's education was brief. He began working between the ages of eleven and thirteen for a trading company in St. Croix, an island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In 1772 he left to attend school in the American colonies. After a few months at an academy in New Jersey, he enrolled in King's College in New York City. Intelligent enough to master most subjects without formal instruction and eager to win success and fame early in life, he left college in 1776 without graduating.

Another working man huh wow!!!

So they were formally educated commoners amazing some might say they were working men.

The colleges were not near as liberal then as they are now either.

The Constitution was written in plain English so that anybody could read and understand it. I am sorry that you liberals are not capable of understanding the plain English in the Constitution.

If you expect an intelligent response, could you at least work at making that garbage readable?

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This made me laugh and then I see that it's well documented common knowledge.

The average person votes to their best interests which means democrats get to hold office because for the most part they take from the producers and give to the idiots who vote them into power. Most C.E.O.s are republicans and when democrats hold office they create a bureaucracy that is an unfriendly business environment. C.E.O.s are not stupid and if they are concerned about their business and their bottom line, (Remember successful businesses need to balance their budgets not like the government.) they seek a climate that is more business friendly. If the politicians wouldn't make socialist laws that forced business out of the country most businesses would prefer to stay here. It’s a direct result of bad laws that force business out of an unfriendly business climate not the other way around.

You're joking,right?Or you've been asleep for the past ten years.

Republicans create such a business friendly environment that when the last re-puke president left office the economy was collapsing so fast that your super smart C.E.O.s had to be bailed out to the tune of $600,000,000,000.Yea,you're right,republicans are business oracles and C.E.O.s are really,really smart.:rolleyes:

Sure,companies go over seas because of those nasty socialist laws...it has absolutely nothing to do with that $3,000 a year labor provided by their business partner,socialist China.

Again...republicans love socialism as long as it makes them a buck.

Are you willing to work for $3,000 a year?Again,hypocrites.

Re-puke....it's biblical,Proverbs 26:11

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The banks needing bailed out was regrettable and never should have happened but it was a direct result of government interfering and regulating where it didn't belong. The banks were forced to make loans to people who didn't qualify or they would have their standing as a financial institution taken away. They weren't going to accept that kind of risk so they repackaged the risk and sold it as a means recoup losses from the bad loans they were forced to make by bad government policy. It was a house of cards that never would have existed had it not been for government interference and never should have been bailed out but that wouldn’t play out too well for the social experiment that it was.

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If you expect an intelligent response, could you at least work at making that garbage readable?

I'm sorry I do not have the time or patience to teach you to read! I know you libs have a hard time reading things for what they say. You libs read the constitution for what it COULD say, I read it for what it ACTUALLY says!

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The banks needing bailed out was regrettable and never should have happened but it was a direct result of government interfering and regulating where it didn't belong. The banks were forced to make loans to people who didn't qualify or they would have their standing as a financial institution taken away. They weren't going to accept that kind of risk so they repackaged the risk and sold it as a means recoup losses from the bad loans they were forced to make by bad government policy. It was a house of cards that never would have existed had it not been for government interference and never should have been bailed out but that wouldn’t play out too well for the social experiment that it was.

Not the story I've heard.But that's the wonderful thing about the two party system...you can always blame it on the other party.O.K.,for arguement sake let's say you're story is true.Social experiment?It must have been a republican experiment since they had the presidency for 8 YEARS and the congress for what,4 years?Couldn't do a thing about it?Can't remember one time hearing W warning us about this impending disaster,let alone do anything about it.It almost sounds like you're social experiment explanation is another WMD story.As a matter of fact,I can remember W saying time and time again,"All the economic indicators look good",while anyone with an I.Q. above a Texas village idiot knew the economy was in trouble.But then again,maybe he was preoccupied with his trillion dollar war on the guy that threatened his daddy.No WMD's,nothing to do with 9/11.But that's o.k.,Obama got us back on task and took care of that little problem.To use Bush's words,"Mission accomplished."Brings us full circle to what this thread is about.

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I'm sorry I do not have the time or patience to teach you to read! I know you libs have a hard time reading things for what they say. You libs read the constition for what it COULD say, I read it for what it ACTUALLY says!

Yea Jeremi, read the constition!

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I'm sorry I do not have the time or patience to teach you to read! I know you libs have a hard time reading things for what they say. You libs read the constitution for what it COULD say, I read it for what it ACTUALLY says!

a) I'm not a lib. Yeah I know I don't agree with every thing you believe to be true in your little black and white, extremist world, but I get my information from more places than talk radio and chain emails.

b) I thought we were discussing the education the founders had. You provided a response that made zero sense and on top of that was formatted like you were angrily typing while getting a reach around from Rush Limbaugh while watching Glenn Beck allegedly rape and murder a young girl much like the allegations for a similar act in 1990. I was just hoping it might clear a few things up if it was formatted better, I think growing up on military installations and going to their public schools made me dumb so mah reddan skilz rnt teh bezt.

Edited by fusion
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