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living in a college town and right off campus it is amazing to see how many kids go out and get a bike just for the looks

I completely don't understand that... I knew virtually nothing about bikes when I first started wanting one, but I knew the single most important thing i liked about them:

Cheap acceleration.

If I happened to look cool, then great, but I've always considered bikes as performance machines, not fashion statements.

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I feel "naked" without my gear on. I picked up a textile jacket for summer as an option to my leather. I also have some riding jeans I got a few days ago.

I always think its funny when I pass another sport bike rider without gear. I think what an idiot and Im sure hes looking at me saying the same thing because I have gear on.

Same here. I can't even ride right without gear. I like the bug protection, too.

I have to say that if I had a Harley, Star, Victory etc. cruiser, I wouldn't feel right WITH gear. The two just don't go together - Maybe that's it. Cruisers are about just getting on and going, not riding to limit and flirting with a crash. It's about freedom, not confinement. It's an awesome feeling, too.

Still, when I see a guy on a cruiser in full gear, I'm very impressed.

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I ride a sport bike and a scooter; I consider the scooter to be about the same as a cruiser without the stupid obnoxious loud fucking noise. I ride with gear when riding my sport bike and without gear when riding the scooter. I have been down on a sport bike with protective gear except jeans and had road rash everywhere on my legs. I now wear protection on my legs riding the sport bike but still wear nothing except sunglasses on the scooter. I have three sets of leathers, three sets of racing boots, four helmets, three pairs of gauntlet gloves, two sets of textile/mesh jacket/pants combos and an Alpinestars one piece Aerostich type riding suit and I use all of them depending on the weather or other varying factors. I ride the same pace on the scooter as most cruisers and have decided to assume the risks associated with no gear riding in that manner. I know there is a chance that someone might run into me but riding is dangerous no matter what and everyone accepts varying levels of risk, if mine is different than yours both of us are right.

If you are new to riding sport bikes and try to follow guys with more experience you are assuming more risk than the people who have learned how to control their bikes better even though both are wearing gear. Who has the superior moral safety stance in that situation? Trying to judge others choice about their level of risk assessment kind of stupid especially for people who ride motorcycles when there are people who think riding them is just stupid with or without gear. Mind your own business, wear and ride what and how you need to make you happy, leave others to do the same. I guarantee that the folks you see riding differently than you are enjoying their ride just as much as you are. Should people who can ride better than others think that those without the same skills shouldn’t be riding at all because they are being stupid not knowing how to handle a bike very well? Your opinion of me, what I wear, how I ride doesn’t affect you and my opinion of what you wear, how you ride shouldn’t affect you.

Leave the judging about riders to people in four wheeled vehicles.

Shut up and ride.

I concur. For me it's all about risk assessment. If I'm out for a real ride I'll wear all the gear. If I'm just putting through the park I've been known to go out with no helmet, tee shirt, regular jeans, & sneakers. In the grand scheme of things I would put the risk of a real ride at somewhat safer than base jumping & the risk of putting around at a little riskier than walking the dog. Just my 2 cents.

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Youll see tons of ppl with no gear esp since its getting warmer and ppl have had the bikes locked up. Its not just harley riders, theres sportbike riders with backpacks wearing shorts, spaghetti straps and sandals also. They wanna look cool...

Not my cup of tea...and ill feel no remorse if they low/high side.

+1 to this. They made the decision, they face the consequences. I dont expect people to feel sorry for me when I make bad decisions. Learn and dont repeat.

I completely don't understand that... I knew virtually nothing about bikes when I first started wanting one, but I knew the single most important thing i liked about them:

Cheap acceleration.

If I happened to look cool, then great, but I've always considered bikes as performance machines, not fashion statements.

Before I started riding, I thought they looked cool, and I wanted one b/c i thought they were cool. If it made me look cool, all the better. However, seeing my first (and current bike) is a 96 Katana, I dont think its making me look cool. It is however a great reason to wear gear, so people dont see my face :D

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If I happened to look cool, then great, but I've always considered bikes as performance machines, not fashion statements.

No one will believe you unless you own a V strom. :rolleyes: Voted ugliest bike ever on several forums. :lol:


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No one will believe you unless you own a V strom. :rolleyes: Voted ugliest bike ever on several forums. :lol:

Brings back memories of my 1st real motorcycle. 73 Yamaha 360 enduro 2 cycle with big Knobbies & a really big rear sprocket purchased in the month of February. I had much better rooster tails though. Thanks for the memories.

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I feel "naked" without my gear on. I picked up a textile jacket for summer as an option to my leather.

Yeah it just feels weird riding without all my gear, like driving without my seatbelt, I might be able to go a mile

without it on then can't help but put it on!

Mesh jacket for the summer, leather riding pants on "most" all-day rides if it's not to hot.

I have a camelpak hydration system I use when its really hot, a very good investment, I highly recommend one!

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I didn't read most of this thread but, I'll just say that even down here in Florida, I always wear my gear. Full face helmet, jacket, leg armor, and of course my kevlar lined jeans. I don't hold out much hope for the jeans in the event of an accident but that's why I wear the leg armor. Anyhow, it's hotter than hell down here and after I'm done riding, I'm usually a sweaty mess. It all comes down to the fact that I'd rather wear the gear and not need it, than need it and not have it on.

If people ask me, I always recommend ATGATT. Having said that, it's your life. Ride how you want. It's all about risk management and what YOU are comfortable risking.

At the very least though, a FULL face helmet is a MUST! There used to be a sight called something like "live to ride, ride to die" and they had a graphic that showed where most people hit when they hit their head and the percentage that hit in the chin area was pretty high. Over 30% I believe. It was by far the highest hit percentage area.

I'm rambling now...

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Anyone who rides without a helmet obviously has nothing up there worth protecting.

Don't care what you ride, or what level of gear you wear. That's your choice.

I'm ATGATT except that if the roads I ride on are all 35mph or under (and all the intersecting roads are 35 or under too) then I'll skip the overpants and go with jeans instead. So if I go from work to the local supermarket then jeans is fine - I won't be going fast enough to slide far enough to burn through jeans. (I hope!) If I'm wearing dockers or shorts then overpants are required for riding.

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I wear a Carbon AC-12 full face helmet, A* carbon knuckled gloves, scorpion Exo mesh jacket, Joe rocket alter ego pants, thor 50/50 boots.

All gear is black or blue. Its pretty damn hot but I rode a few miles the other day without my jacket and I felt very underdressed and scared.

I'm not worried about looking cool. I'm just looking to stay cool. I see that the general concensus is AGATT which I figured.

For those that actually read what gear I have, do you think this is decently cool gear?I know black isn't the best choice but aside from the color.

Any extra tips besides keep moving to try and keep from passing out?

I can't believe that there is that many harley riders that just don't care. I think most people have a bad stigma about sport bike riders but TO ME it seem that irresponsible harley riders are what gives bikers a bad rap. I sincerly don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just making an assumption based on what I've seen/read.

On a side note I see a lot of people also riding with half helmets I've read a statistic that those helmets do nothing to protect a rider. True that most are"DOT approved" but that just means if the helmet is struck with a hammer then it should protect at the point of impact. But in real world situations the chin area of the helmet is most common point of impact with about 40% in crashes. Does this stuff sound about right?

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Not much of this existed when I learned to ride. Simple helmets and simple leathers were all there was. Gloves and boots were nothing special. Motorcycles that did more than 100mph were not common. Helmets were worn (almost) all the time, and leathers were for cold weather.

I learned to apply the tools to the job. The same way a pilot will wear certain gear for certain aircraft. You won't need a high altitude pressure suit to fly a cargo plane. Yet the risks aren't much different. The aircraft is different, and requires behavior and equipment choices that match.

So if the pilot climbs out of the SR-71 and demands that the pilot of the biplane should be wearing a complete pressure suit, he'd not only be wrong, he'd be a bit weird.

I'd much rather have riders concentrate on improving riding skills, and not focusing on bouncing down the road testing full gear.

So life existed before the argument. There's something to say for that.

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Maybe it's because I was a landscaper for 15 years but it's not really that hot. I always wear my 2 piece leathers, helmet, gauntlet gloves, and boots. Under this I wear Under armor shirt, under a t shirt, and A* underwear. Plus I never just ride to the store. If I ride to work it's 100 miles round trip, if I go get coffee, it's a minimum of 80 miles if I'm in a rush.

I don't really care what other people wear. I'll even ride with them when their not wearing a helmet. It's their choice. If they ask my opinion they'll get it. Outside of that they're adults and can make their own decisions.

Now the squid thing. Others have said it better. I believe a squid is a rider with little to loose, rides carelessly and end the end result can't be anything but disaster. Some of them seem to never have that diaster I expect them to have. More power to them. Not the risk I'm willing to take.

Seems most of the time these people don't ride with gear outside of a helmet. Not always though. There are always those cases.

Once someone has proven they're a squid I will never ride with them again. Simple as that.

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I see lots of talk but how about putting some photos of your gear where your screen is? :)

HJC modular helmet

Fieldsher armored pants

Tourmaster armored jacket

Alpinestar boots


I know I'm not a rocket rider but having gear on is the only way it works.

Even offroad:

KLIM Dakar pants

Armored Compression top

Off road boots

Shoi helmet not shown.


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Not much of this existed when I learned to ride. Simple helmets and simple leathers were all there was. Gloves and boots were nothing special. Motorcycles that did more than 100mph were not common. Helmets were worn (almost) all the time, and leathers were for cold weather.

I learned to apply the tools to the job. The same way a pilot will wear certain gear for certain aircraft. You won't need a high altitude pressure suit to fly a cargo plane. Yet the risks aren't much different. The aircraft is different, and requires behavior and equipment choices that match.

So if the pilot climbs out of the SR-71 and demands that the pilot of the biplane should be wearing a complete pressure suit, he'd not only be wrong, he'd be a bit weird.

I'd much rather have riders concentrate on improving riding skills, and not focusing on bouncing down the road testing full gear.

So life existed before the argument. There's something to say for that.

Where your analogy suffers is that even the slowest motorcycle is subject to the same dangers and the same forces that the fastest supersport is, on the road, and the same statistical chance that something UTTERLY out of your hands or skill set will cause you to be on the ground. This isn't bi-planes and high-altitude jets, a 30mph slide on the pavement will be the same if you came off of a scooter or a 1098 Duc. And, all the skill in the world might not overcome something like mechanical failure, a freak accident, diesel spilled all over a turn, etc. Sometimes, you just go down. I wish we could pick the times and the place.

Gear has gotten very good, very comfortable, and affordable. I find it sad people talk themselves out of it so often, but it's their skin.

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Look that guy is riding on touring tires that's not safe he should be using track/street tires because they have better traction and are safer.

That bike only has one front brake rotor what an idiot for riding a bike that unsafe two rotors are superior and everyone should ride a bike with two rotors it's safer.

Why would someone ride a bike with a chain don't they know that they could come off? Don't they know driveshafts are safer?

Can you believe he is riding with three year old brake fluid? Everyone knows that you should change it every two years; I can't believe someone would risk riding a bike like that. What a risk taker, simple maintenance will keep you safer.

I hear that he doesn't use synthetic oil in his bike, doesn't he know his engine could seize up when he's riding using that dinosaur oil. I can't believe the risks some people take when it's so simple to be safer.

That bike is too fast, why do you need a bike that will do almost 100MPH in first gear when the speed limit is 70MPH? You should ride a bike that is slower because they are safer.

Look at the windshield on that bike, it's totally insufficient. Don't they know if they drive too long in the wind they will become fatigued and lose concentration? Everyone should have a large windshield because they are safer.

I can't believe someone would try to ride one of them crotch-rockets all bent over like that it will wear you out and make all of your joints sore. Don't they know that if they sat up correctly on a real bike they would be safer?

How can someone ride a bike that weighs 800LBS they can't stop for shit? Every bike should weigh less than 400LBS because they're safer.

How can someone only spend $2,000 for a bike? I bet it doesn't even have ABS. You should be spending at least $15,000 to $20,000 for a bike to have all the features that make you safer.

Did you see him riding wearing work boots? Doesn't he care about his safety? Sure his ankle is covered but what about twisting it or getting ran over by another bike. Everyone should wear racing boot because they are safer.

What kind of idiot would wear jeans while riding? Leather pants are the only real way to protect yourself everyone should wear them because they make you safer.

OMG he is wearing a mesh jacket, I guess he doesn't care that they explode when you hit the ground offering no real protection. Everyone should wear a leather jacket or better yet a one piece racing suit because they are safer.

Look at the helmet he's wearing that cheap piece of shit, I bet he only paid $100 for it. Everyone knows you have to pay at least $500 for a good helmet because if you pay more they're safer.

The gloves he's wearing are not nearly long enough to protect his hands and wrists adequately. Only gauntlet gloves should be worn because they are safer.

I don't believe that someone should be riding a motorcycle on the street without years of dirt bike riding experience behind them. How else are they going to get enough experience to ride on the street? Everyone should have years of riding experience, and pass rigorous testing, it will only make them safer.

You can't really handle a motorcycle unless you have done at least four track days. If you haven't made it to the advanced group by then maybe you should rethink your choice to ride because you just aren't good enough to ride. Only advanced track day riders have the knowledge to ride safer.................

People's moral superiority assessments of the choices I make for myself only proves that they have guessed incorrectly about their superiority.

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Where your analogy suffers is that even the slowest motorcycle is subject to the same dangers and the same forces that the fastest supersport is, on the road, and the same statistical chance that something UTTERLY out of your hands or skill set will cause you to be on the ground. This isn't bi-planes and high-altitude jets, a 30mph slide on the pavement will be the same if you came off of a scooter or a 1098 Duc. And, all the skill in the world might not overcome something like mechanical failure, a freak accident, diesel spilled all over a turn, etc. Sometimes, you just go down. I wish we could pick the times and the place.

Gear has gotten very good, very comfortable, and affordable. I find it sad people talk themselves out of it so often, but it's their skin.

All true, but 42 years of experience says skill works quite well.

And more people should have it.

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I don't really care what other people wear. I'll even ride with them when their not wearing a helmet. It's their choice. If they ask my opinion they'll get it. Outside of that they're adults and can make their own decisions.

I make my decision not too because I don't want to witness a head bust like a watermelon. It's not because I don't respect their right, it's because I don't want to be around if they do split their own wig on the concrete. That shit is nasty and will fuck you up to see. I'll pass.

That bike is too fast, why do you need a bike that will do almost 100MPH in first gear when the speed limit is 70MPH? You should ride a bike that is slower because they are safer

Oooooh, I hate that shit. Just because it scares you doesn't mean It does me and I can't enjoy it. People enjoy different things and mine is power. If you like slower engines, then so be it. I don't give a damn, so why do you give a damn to spread your bullshit that you think I don't need such power. Who the fuck are you to judge what the hell I need? Eat shit I say!;)

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I do have to admit that on rare occasions I will wear my "squid suit". Mainly if I'm doing something like a slow paced poker run. It's basically a homemade vest.

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Some people are adamant about wearing gear, some hate wearing gear, and some are 'meh'.

Full face helmet > Open face helmt > Half helmet > do rag = no helmet > helmet strapped on back of sportbike being ridden down the road.

One piece racing suit > two piece leather > two piece mesh > leather jacket only > mesh jacket only > t-shirt and jeans > t-shirt and shorts

Full-on boots > half boots = construction boots > tennis shoes > flip-flops = bare feet

Motorcycles > scooters = bicycles

It's a free country. Wear your seat belt or don't. Gear up like Moto GP guy, or don't.

Riding a motorcycle is all about freedom. I would hope that everyone A) doesn't have an accident or B) if they do have an accident, they've got gear on so that we can ride with them again on another day.

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