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Anyone heading to the (2011) Indy 500?


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I'll be in town Saturday afternoon for a friend's graduation party, and then the plan is for 8-10 of us to get drunk in the sunshine on Sunday at the race.

Never been to a car race bigger than the Cleveland Gran Prix, so this should be interesting.

anyone else going?

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i hope you plan on going early...that area is a mess race weekend! The track was a couple miles from where I used to work and of course I got stuck working race weekend and traffic was backed up for miles and miles

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i hope you plan on going early...that area is a mess race weekend! The track was a couple miles from where I used to work and of course I got stuck working race weekend and traffic was backed up for miles and miles


Make sure to go early. Get there at like 9:00. That should be early enough to get into someone's yard for about $15-20 parking and will give you time to walk around and see stuff if you want to. Most of the festivities start at like 10. Its a lot different than MO or Cleveland. Plan on staying for a while after the race too. It takes a while to clear out all of the roads. I usually kick back have a few more cold ones and just relax for a while. Pace yourself. I've seen guys chug a bunch of drinks during the opening ceremonies and be passed out by the race start! :D

Not sure yet if I am going. I go about every other year and I went last year. Definately something to experince but not what it was in the 90's when you could go party in the infield all day and never see a race car!

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my friends live in Carmel, and they're buying a parking pass. Realistically, we'll be lucky to get there by 11:00.

Traffic is expected, as is sun-burn, and general ridiculousness.

yea 11 would be lucky but it all depends on what time ya leave

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Parking pass is good but Bad324 is right. Traffic will be a pain just to get to the parking area.

Sun burn, meh. Indy is just like Ohio. Sun and warmth are not a guarentee, but it is infinitely more fun when warm. Whole different set of scenery to take in and nothing to do with cars.

General rediculousness is a requirment for any Indy weekend. Which race you attend is not important! Personally I'm planning on stagering back across Georgetown Rd to the campsite at the MotoGP race this year. :cheers:

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I went to Indy MotoGP last year and I thought the traffic was a breeze. Mugello MotoGP was horrible. 6+ hours of no movement in a two lane, bi-directional, twisty mountain roads.

After that race, every other event traffic has been nothing in comparison.

anyways, my friend and I plan on going there. I'll keep a cooler with beer in the trunk to hang out in the parking lot until the traffic dies down. I don't mind warm beer.

Edited by usafstud
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  • 2 weeks later...

To add to this thread Riders Discount has teamed up with IMS to provide a special ticket package for this years INDY GP. Here is a link if interested, more information coming soon.


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I went to Indy MotoGP last year and I thought the traffic was a breeze.

I know this is several days late but for those of you wondering(not likely) the crowd for the Indy 500 is about 5x's that of MotoGP. Nothing about getting out of the area around the track was easy last Sunday and we waited almost 2 hours after the race to attempt to pull out of our usual parking spot that is 1 mile from the track.

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we just sat and drank for at least an hour after the race.

The 15 mile drive to the track took us almost 3 hours. Luckily the Indianapolis PD didn't feel the need to enforce open container or public intox laws on the way in.

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PD didn't feel the need to enforce open container or public intox laws on the way in.

I always take advantage of the walk to the track on race day. The day of the Indy 500 is one of the few days you can walk right past an Indiana State Trooper on a public street with an open can of beer and he won't say a word to you unless you are being an ass or trying to cross a street when he doesn't want you to. :cheers:

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I have to admit their troopers are pretty good at those events knowing what they have to put up with. A few years ago they came around the campfire when we were having some fun with fireworks and were clearly enjoying some adult beverages. "Uhhhh no officer we had no idea setting these off in Indy is illegal!":rolleyes:

After confiscating our grocery bag full of fireworks they told us to be safe and walked off. We simply went and got the second bag out of the trunk! :D

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they're outnumbered 5,000:1, so I think they're pretty realistic about what is and isn't a problem.

"security" was a joke. They barely even looked at our tickets as we walked in. Definitely didn't scan them. Didn't check coolers or bags at all.

I'm am 100% certain that there were handguns, knives, and many other types of weapons present. I am also certain that I saw 0 fights or any altercations between spectators, or with police. The worst I witnesses was people stumbling around drunk, but they weren't really causing anyone problems but themselves.

I thanked several officers on my way back to the car.

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they're outnumbered 5,000:1, so I think they're pretty realistic about what is and isn't a problem.

"security" was a joke. They barely even looked at our tickets as we walked in. Definitely didn't scan them. Didn't check coolers or bags at all.

I'm am 100% certain that there were handguns, knives, and many other types of weapons present. I am also certain that I saw 0 fights or any altercations between spectators, or with police. The worst I witnesses was people stumbling around drunk, but they weren't really causing anyone problems but themselves.

I thanked several officers on my way back to the car.

I can tell you that I know of at least 3 people that had guns in there :lol:

couple of my old co workers go every year and they were telling me how they always carry because its there right and nobody ever checks. They also are mildly responsible while drinking oddly enough

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they're outnumbered 5,000:1, so I think they're pretty realistic about what is and isn't a problem.

"security" was a joke. They barely even looked at our tickets as we walked in. Definitely didn't scan them. Didn't check coolers or bags at all.

When Montoya went to F1, the first year at Indy was crazy. My friends and I sat just inside the gates for a while watching all the people come in for the event and we were astounded at the number of Columbian attendies supporting Montoya. Then we saw what they were doing. A group would come in with general admission pass they would enter the gate, walk down along the fence line and pass their tickets through to the next group waiting outside and then they would come in through the gate. Lather rinse repeat. We counted over 30 people that came through that gate on 1 set of 5 tickets while we watched. I am sure others were doing the same thing, but we had to laugh at that.

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