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The rapture!!!


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I it in the kther thread but when I first heard about all this I was thinking of jurasic park. I thought to myself raptors?!? The .243 will take down a water buffalo so im not so worried about some prehistoric ancestor to the chicken.

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Dangit. I didn't get raptured.

Gonna be a lot of people asking; "Can I have the money I donated to the Family Radio church back??"

Their website it down, their offices are shuttered and the main guy (Mr.Camping) is gone. His ass is in heaven now. And when I say heaven, I mean sitting on a mexican beach with two suitcases full of millions of dollars in doomsday donations, drinking pina coladas and offering the barmaid "one last taste of heaven before she goes to hell..."

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I just think it's funny that all these 'believers' are so conceited to think some major non-human caused apocalyptic event is going to happen during their brief time here on this planet. Of course, that's assuming you believe the earth is 4.5B years old, not that Jesus was riding dinosaurs less than 6000 years ago.

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Dangit. I didn't get raptured.

Gonna be a lot of people asking; "Can I have the money I donated to the Family Radio church back??"

Their website it down, their offices are shuttered and the main guy (Mr.Camping) is gone. His ass is in heaven now. And when I say heaven, I mean sitting on a mexican beach with two suitcases full of millions of dollars in doomsday donations, drinking pina coladas and offering the barmaid "one last taste of heaven before she goes to hell..."

I was wondering if they would drink the "kool-aid"

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Their website it down, their offices are shuttered and the main guy (Mr.Camping) is gone. His ass is in heaven now. And when I say heaven, I mean sitting on a mexican beach with two suitcases full of millions of dollars in doomsday donations, drinking pina coladas and offering the barmaid "one last taste of heaven before she goes to hell..."

If I was him, I'd be pissed that I didn't think of this plan years ago when I was young enough to enjoy the money...

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