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My siberian Husky :(


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My girl has been wanting a husky for awhile, and they have 5 acres she could roam around in with their horse and goats. I will run it past them to see if they are interested, but theres no way I would pay you for it. You don't "sell" it. Sounds to me like you are a little short on money and tired of having the responsibility at home, so you figure if you try to sell her you can come out on top. People who genuinely fall on hard times and cant support their animals anymore, usually offer them up for adoption to a good home, they dont try to sell them like used furniture.

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You guys are all sorely mistaken. I am trying to make a mature deicison and you are calling it immaturity. I am a 19 year old college student, own my own house, run my own business and just dont have enough time that is needed for the dog. I can make the time and i am but i think she would be more happy with a big fenced in yard and a family to love her. Im one person... Idk how you guys can mistake this for being imature and not making the right decision.

The family that had her brought her to a shelter in zanesville moved away and left her in a box she was in the shelter for 2 months and they were going to put her down. So i got her so such a beautiful dog wasnt put down. I ended up liking her and liked spending time with her and enjoy her company. If need be i will continue to make time for her. But i know she could be better with a family so she could recieve even more love.

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You guys are all sorely mistaken. I am trying to make a mature deicison and you are calling it immaturity. I am a 19 year old college student, own my own house, run my own business and just dont have enough time that is needed for the dog. I can make the time and i am but i think she would be more happy with a big fenced in yard and a family to love her. Im one person... Idk how you guys can mistake this for being imature and not making the right decision.

The family that had her brought her to a shelter in zanesville moved away and left her in a box she was in the shelter for 2 months and they were going to put her down. So i got her so such a beautiful dog wasnt put down. I ended up liking her and liked spending time with her and enjoy her company. If need be i will continue to make time for her. But i know she could be better with a family so she could recieve even more love.

Listen turd burgler.. U have had two people say they would most likely take her.. GIVE HER to one of them... Quit trying to sell her like an x box.

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You guys are all sorely mistaken. I am trying to make a mature deicison and you are calling it immaturity. I am a 19 year old college student, own my own house, run my own business and just dont have enough time that is needed for the dog. I can make the time and i am but i think she would be more happy with a big fenced in yard and a family to love her. Im one person... Idk how you guys can mistake this for being imature and not making the right decision.

The immature part was getting the dog in the first place. I understand you wanted to save it but if you have that much on your plate already a puppy was clearly the last thing you needed.

I commend you for knowing that the dog needs a better situation but its also the fact again as how you've acted and come off why people think you are just being lazy about it and giving up instead of changing other areas that could be better spent on the dog

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You guys are all sorely mistaken. I am trying to make a mature deicison and you are calling it immaturity. I am a 19 year old college student, own my own house, run my own business and just dont have enough time that is needed for the dog. I can make the time and i am but i think she would be more happy with a big fenced in yard and a family to love her. Im one person... Idk how you guys can mistake this for being imature and not making the right decision.

The family that had her brought her to a shelter in zanesville moved away and left her in a box she was in the shelter for 2 months and they were going to put her down. So i got her so such a beautiful dog wasnt put down. I ended up liking her and liked spending time with her and enjoy her company. If need be i will continue to make time for her. But i know she could be better with a family so she could recieve even more love.

When do the right thing!! Giver her away. Let HER be happy not your wallet. And sorry I know you didn't pay $500 for her at a kill shelter. They have low fees so they don't have to put dogs down.

Any IF (:nono:) you Own your own house and have your own business chalk the money up to saving a dog and giving her a better life.

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im willing to give her to a family if there a better fit but im not gonna become a charity... so im willing to give them the dog for some return on all the things ive purchased for her so they have to pay a fraction of the cost. I could give the dog away and sell all the stuff with her seperatly... but then the family has to spend the money anyway atleast this way i can guarentee that she is going to find a good home and have all the things she has had. Pissing away 500 dollars is bad enough for my karma bank.

You guys can all think im an asswhole but i know i did something right from the bottom of my heart and saved her. Give me shit all you want i dont mind.

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i did something right from the bottom of my heart and saved her

And now you want compensation? sell the stuff separate let a family decide what they want for her

Also my step mom owns this


and has over 2 acres of land give her to her and shell find a home for her and U can ride some more and run your business

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Ill make this one better, give the dog to car whore and i will give him a cage for her at no cost and you can sell your cage and things to make your so called money back!! Problem solved!!!

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Time to dust off the blockquoter...

You guys are all sorely mistaken.

I don't think so, not this time. If that's your defense, you might want to try a different angle.

I am trying to make a mature deicison and you are calling it immaturity.

No, you are making an immature decision that is on par with the sea of other immature decisions you won't stop informing us of.

I am a 19 year old college student

Don't care.

own my own house

Still don't care.

run my own business

Wait...nope, thought I cared, but that was just a bluejay flying past. I kinda want a bird...

and just dont have enough time that is needed for the dog

At 24.20 posts per day, you have to be trolling OR for at LEAST 2-3 hours each day. How much of a difference in that dogs life do you think you can make with 1 of those hours? Hey, I just made time!

I can make the time and i am

And I can bang Olivia Munn and I am. See how easy this is? Anything can be true!

but i think she would be more happy with a big fenced in yard and a family to love her.

Translation: I'd be more happy with 400 bucks in my pocket to spend on go-fast parts for my bike.

Im one person... Idk how you guys can mistake this for being imature and not making the right decision.

It's simple. Rational, responsible, mature adults understand that if there's a life change that's taken place that means they can't take care of their canine family member, they (highly reluctantly) give up said member to a loving family. You, not being any of the above, is doing the equivalent of putting her up on Craigslist with a price tag attached.

The family that had her brought her to a shelter in zanesville moved away and left her in a box she was in the shelter for 2 months and they were going to put her down. So i got her so such a beautiful dog wasnt put down. I ended up liking her and liked spending time with her and enjoy her company. If need be i will continue to make time for her. But i know she could be better with a family so she could recieve even more love.

Dogs get put down all the time. You were too immature to realize it then, seeing only the "pretty dog" and then wanting the "pretty dog" to make sure she wasn't put down. Now comes the responsible part of maintenance and attending to her needs, but you're too busy with internets and riding to completely care about that.

But hey, keep posting on here defending yourself instead of taking her out for a little run.

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Your story is TOTAL SH*T. I adopted my dog from Zville pound/shelter too, so I know the facts there. Yes it is a kill facility, BUT dogs are 75.00-125, not 500.

Listen give the dog to any of the other people that posted above, and move on. Actually when I said move on, I mean, GTFO of here. Basically you just started a sh*t storm you can't handle by this post, trust me.

Too many of us are not only bike lovers but animal lovers. Actually Basco is one of the biggest reasons I sold my street bike. Any time spent away from the house working, commuting, working out, etc. was enough and I knew I wouldnt be able to ride along with all that.

Basically you think you are sweet, you say you are in college, run a business, have a house, no one really gives a sh*t. You've brought 0 good to this place, and even if you did save the dog, I am sure someone else would have too from the sounds of it.

I've never been really worked up and gotten into a post like this online, mainly because I think cyberfighting is like trying to screw yourself, pointless. But this guy has rubbed me wrong the whole time, and now like i said, you dug a big hole bud. You won't get out of it.

EDIT: My neighbors Husky just died actually a few months ago, let me ask them if they want it. Then you have like 4 people that would take her off your hands so you can ride and spend time doing all this other important stuff, because obviouslly spending time off the internet with her isn't.

Edited by madcat6183
Added note
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I got her from a lady who gets them from the shelters and she said she had to pay 500 to get her out... wtf... 75-125 i wouldnt mind donating...

BULLSHIT!! This lady was going to kill the dog??? Quit lying....

Negative rep for trying to find a dog a better home...

YES I DID... because you are trying to SELL a dog not find it a home....

Have you PM carwhore to meet him and give him the dog??? I think not... or anyone else who has said they may be able to take the dog.... NO

You are trying to SELL THE DOG..

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