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My siberian Husky :(


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I'm done with sarcasm now.

INSTALL THE FUCKING INVISIBLE FENCE, YOU DUMBSHIT. Turn the fucking computer off, go outside and start planning. While you're outside, play with your fucking dog that I guess you just HAD to keep because people on the internets made you feel like a worthless piece of shit.

if he goes outside he might find $1.85 again.... and we just can't have that:rolleyes:

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But we can make room for another dog. Ill give you a $100 for the husky.

I second this. I actually have been looking for a husky. I don't have a dog, I have nearly 30 acres of land. I'd pay 100 for the dog and buy the cage for what you paid. Is Sky housebroken?

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Im gonna keep the dog. Due to you guys making me feel like a complete asshole.

Anyone got any tips for training her to stay with me off leash outside? Leashes and cages suck...

Please don't keep the dog. You have already shown you are not a decent enough human being to be responsible for such a beautiful animal. Why don't you try a gold fish, that seems to be more in line with your level of responsibility. Please Please Please find this puppy a home worthy of such a wonderful animal, as your home is clearly not.

Also, you should always leash a dog, they are like children, no matter how well you train them, they do not posses the mental faculties to understand cause and effect (kind of like you) and may see something like a cat

and run after it, no matter how well it is trained. Again, your statement has shown how childish and dumb you are.

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if you genuinly are going to keep the dog and train it good for you. Don't keep it because people are giving you a hard time (which we all have every right too).

If you aren't going to be able to care for the dog then do something about it.

Side bet: I bet he just tells everyone here he's going to keep her, then gets rid of her later.

Holy crap, I read 4 pages, go walk the dogs for an hour and there's 14 pages on this thread!! I was thinking he'd have PM'ed CarWhore, who would report back at about 4:00 that he was back home with the dog.

Why has this not happened yet?

Pet ownership isn't an investment where you can expect to get your money back. My dogs are healthy, but they run into things and get hurt (greyhounds, canine version of literbikes), eat food, need Frontline, etc.

Ringo, stop fighting back & trying to recoup your losses; you'll want the extra karma points someday. If you really can't care for her, you need to focus on finding her a good home, and just eat the monetary losses.

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My 0.02$.

I paid $300 for my last rescue. It covered shots, neuterage and went to help the next dog. I didn't mind doing it. I currently have 3 rescues.

Continue with flameage.

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My 0.02$.

I paid $300 for my last rescue. It covered shots, neuterage and went to help the next dog. I didn't mind doing it. I currently have 3 rescues.

Continue with flameage.

difference is you aren't going for asshat of the year...:D
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My 0.02$.

I paid $300 for my last rescue. It covered shots, neuterage and went to help the next dog. I didn't mind doing it. I currently have 3 rescues.

Continue with flameage.

rescues have some type of overhead costs, even being non-profit.

theres a difference in rescuing a dog from a shelter and having to pay adoption fees compared to purchasing a dog from an owner that no longer wants it

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One I drive to Canton to get. The rescue is funded by Richard Pryors wife. Cool right? We didn't know until afterward. Now we get an email from her about once a year from asking how he's (Chico) doing and for some pics.

People like that awesome in my book.

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One I drive to Canton to get. The rescue is funded by Richard Pryors wife. Cool right? We didn't know until afterward. Now we get an email from her about once a year from asking how he's (Chico) doing and for some pics.

People like that awesome in my book.

Wow. That is really awesome!

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Im gonna keep the dog. Due to you guys making me feel like a complete asshole.

Anyone got any tips for training her to stay with me off leash outside? Leashes and cages suck...

She's a husky...... You will NEVER be able to trust her off leash.
For now... Mine was good off leash till about 1 year old. They like to explore.

@Ringo: Listen to CbrGirl (Carie - which I'm sure I spelled wrong...). She and Ben (Casper) have two (I think) huskies, so she knows what she's talking about when it comes to that breed of dog.

I'm not volunteering those two, but I'll go out on a limb here and say that if you wanted help or had specific questions, they would oblige.

As others have said, spend a day outside putting in the invisible fence. Have Sky outside with you. She'll enjoy being outside with you, even if she's on a leash.

IF you invest time in this dog (or any animal) you'll be rewarded ten-fold. You ever notice how when you get home her tail is wagging like crazy? That's because she's happy to see you. Pay her back by investing some time in her. I know you said you take her on walks, to the park 4 times a week, etc. If that's already happening, you're well on your way.

I'd like to ride every single time it's not raining, but I have a young (10) son, and his needs take precedence over ANYTHING else, including work. My rescued dog (Purebred Apalachian Porch Hound, Charlie (or Chuck) is second, my two rescued cats (Maddie and Marcie) are third, coming in last is whatever I want to do.

It's all about priorities. Living beings (e.g. children, animals) that can't take care of themselves have to come first in your own list of priorities.

Until you're able to be honest with yourself and allow the dog to move to the top of the list, you're doing both of you a disservice.

***edit: I spelled CbrGirl's name right!!! :D

Edited by jblosser
paragraph break for clarity, amended chance to 'not raining'
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Your supposed to text. He posted his number somewhere in this damn thread.

hmmm after seeing how much of a post whore he is here do I really want to give him my number? I might wait until he responds to me on the thread or via pm to see if he would accept my offer before I phone him.

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Please just give the dog to a good home. I made the same mistake you did at 19 and got a puppy only difference was I started to neglect work and school to spend time with the dog not the other way around. When I did make the decision to give her away I did just that.....gave her away for free. I spent 2 hours with the family to make sure that their dog, kid, and yard was a sutable match as well as doing a full vet reference. She was my every thing and I balled my eyes out as soon as I walked out of their house but I knew that I did the right thing.

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