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My siberian Husky :(


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Im gonna keep the dog. Due to you guys making me feel like a complete asshole.

Anyone got any tips for training her to stay with me off leash outside? Leashes and cages suck...

For the good of the dog please DO NOT keep this poor dog. Your actions show that you would have a hard time caring for stuffed animal for any length of time let a lone a high energy, young dog. Do the mature thing admit your fucked up (what's new) and give the dog away. If at 19 you have the backing to have your own house, I'm sure that pipeline can fill that $500 hole pretty quick.

One last request please leave this board and do us all a favor. In your 570 posts you have had little if anyone of substance to say. You are an immature, self centered fucking twat. I sure hope you have alot of asprin because when those life lessons come along and you have to grow up you are in for one serious ass kicking with the attitude you have.

Edited by cmh_sprint
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I think it sounds like your welcome has officially wore out here Ringo. I did see some hope for you after our ride but you seem to find a way with every thread to dig yourself a deeper hole. You prolly otta pack up and leave. Nobody is gonna cut you any slack anymore.

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I think it sounds like your welcome has officially wore out here Ringo. I did see some hope for you after our ride but you seem to find a way with every thread to dig yourself a deeper hole. You prolly otta pack up and leave. Nobody is gonna cut you any slack anymore.

I second this.

This damn site is run like a communist dictatorship! Why can't we vote people off of here?

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I think it sounds like your welcome has officially wore out here Ringo. I did see some hope for you after our ride but you seem to find a way with every thread to dig yourself a deeper hole. You prolly otta pack up and leave. Nobody is gonna cut you any slack anymore.


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Anyone else think this is just 16 pages worth of feeding the troll???

honestly heres the way I see ringo threads...its about a page of making fun of him then rest is pure entertaining ourselves :D

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I did see some hope for you after our ride but you seem to find a way with every thread to dig yourself a deeper hole.

This. There are flashes of normalcy; maybe even intelligence, and then just when I start to think, "he's a kid - I was young(er) and dumb(er) once too," I click "new posts" and find another post that makes it harder and harder to feel sorry for the guy...

No one here WANTS to hate anyone, but most are quite unwilling to tolerate or coddle irresponsible behavior and (repeated an serious) squidly posts.

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Tennants of my mom are in the same possition and have fallen on hard times and cant afford food for the pure breed Rottweiler, but they are not asking for $400 dollars they are giving away the dog for free to anyone that could provide a better life. Take a note and do the right thing.

Side note, i have a 2 year old Akita German sheppard mix i rescued and it can never be off a leash because he wants to follow every scent he gets and doesnt come back untill he decides he is bored.

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I don't know if this has been said (it got old reading the constant lies), but what this boils down to is someone who got a Husky, who wasn't prepared for the spoiled brat-ness that a young husky brings to the table. I love Akitas...but they are my worst enemy before they mature. I hear Huskies can be the same way. I could be wrong...but it sounds like someone bit off more than they could chew, and is trying to pass the poor untrained puppy off on someone else.

Carry on.

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I don't know if this has been said (it got old reading the constant lies), but what this boils down to is someone who got a Husky, who wasn't prepared for the spoiled brat-ness that a young husky brings to the table. I love Akitas...but they are my worst enemy before they mature. I hear Huskies can be the same way. I could be wrong...but it sounds like someone bit off more than they could chew, and is trying to pass the poor untrained puppy off on someone else.

Carry on.

This + this someone is trying to get paid to pass this pup off. That's why everyone is upset.

Carrying on now.

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just how big and tender is this puppy of yours? I would be willing to give you $4.99/lb for her.

If this is agreeable, I will give you the address of my favorite butcher for delivery. I won't be needing the "accessories" you got for her. You can sell that stuff on craigslist.

mods can close this thread, I'll paypal him the money after he sends me a weight and paypal address.

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Actually I agree with Jbot, minus the whole 4.99lb part lol. But for real, I'd say lets shut this thread down and maybe get it out of here forever. It really stirred up a hornets nest, and I think alot of us finally have had enough.

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I am not closing it, this shows the true stupidity of this guy. He hasn't contributed anything to this forum since he joined, and has been nothing but a pain in the ass just like "that dude" hoping he gets his vacation soon like the rest of the clowns.

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I'm embarrased for you.

I can't keep her since my house is full of dogs, cats, and kids so I know I am at my limit. If it will make things right for Sky and help you out, I'll BUY her for $300 from you and PM Carwhore or one of the others and give her to them.

We all make mistakes in our lives, I'm not clean by any means. Consider this my way of helping you. Seriously, let me know.

:( I cant rep you. This is a very generous offer to help out an animal in need. I hope he takes you up on it.

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I'm embarrased for you.

I can't keep her since my house is full of dogs, cats, and kids so I know I am at my limit. If it will make things right for Sky and help you out, I'll BUY her for $300 from you and PM Carwhore or one of the others and give her to them.

We all make mistakes in our lives, I'm not clean by any means. Consider this my way of helping you. Seriously, let me know.

This is a true animal lover. Ill thrown in $100 to make up the balance, but I doubt we heat from him again in this thread.

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