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My siberian Husky :(


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...Carry on posting though because i know none of you have anything positive to say.
...But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.


I (and many others) posted nothing slamming you whatsoever. Some did, many didn't. I will admit that I thought about it, but decided to take the high road and try to provide some positive/constructive ideas for you.

As far as people on here not being able to afford the dog? Unlike you, they actually DO own a home, they don't just live in one that their mommy and daddy bought for them.

Some of them may have more than one home, paid in full, and actually have enough bank that they don't need to work another day in their life.

You know what? Most adults don't feel the need to brag about what they have, be it cars, bikes, homes, whatever. Look up JCroz (JCrotch) on here, he did the exact same thing, bragged about things he didn't have, was asked about it, and eventually admitted the truth.

No one here would have thought any less of you had you stated the truth from the beginning: "Hey my folks are cool and got me place to stay while I'm going to school". That's great that they did that for you, and we're happy for you. I personally wouldn't have cared if you lived in an apartment. You/we/all of us (should) like people for who they are, not for what they do or do not have.

Something I learned a long time ago: It's easier to remember your story if you start with the truth.

I know that you think everyone's picking on you, but really, it's of your own doing. You're young, all of us were. You'll grow older and wiser, and someday (hopefully) you'll look back on this and see it as a learning experience.

Try this: Send your father to this site, have him read your threads and the replies to them, and see what he thinks. Assuming he's any sort of parent, I'd be prepared to go grab a switch (that's a stick, I realize you're younger than me) from the backyard, bend over, and endure the beating he's gonna lay on your behind.

Edited by jblosser
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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

lol wut?

Seriously, you have a guy who's willing to subsidize the purchase with the expressed intent to hand it over to CarWhore after he's done paying you? And CarWhore himself is going to kick in cash? And you get your go-fast parts?

Hey man, whatever rocks your world. I'm sure you and Ms Crazy Cat Lady are running a fine business auditing financials and checking credit reports on prospective pet owners.

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On behalf of my generation I would like to apologize for this asshole that makes the rest of us look bad.

I agree with this comment, but sadly he is not the only one. I managed a water resort for three years and saw way too much of this attitude... I credit my parents for the fact that I do not have this attitude...

(They spanked me)

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I agree with this comment, but sadly he is not the only one. I managed a water resort for three years and saw way too much of this attitude... I credit my parents for the fact that I do not have this attitude...

(They spanked me)

Had my parents given me a "time-out", I wouldn't just laughed. I, too, was spanked. And I, too, have respect. This perception of entitlement is appalling. It really isn't limited to any generation unfortunately. Too many people think they're owed something.

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When my son is grown and does anything like this I'm still gonna come kick his ass.

He knows this.

Me and mine, too.

Would've +rep but must spread it around. @whiteghost: You want to know what supporter perks we want? Moar rep abilities (or less restrictions, either the case).

Oh, and hookers/blow, natch.

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Would've +rep but must spread it around. @whiteghost: You want to know what supporter perks we want? Moar rep abilities (or less restrictions, either the case).

i brought it up after another one of ringo threads....he says its in the works :D

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I'm pretty sure BonkerS and I both fall under "this generation"... I dunno, I may be on the cusp.

I thought you were older than me? I'm 26 and sure as shit don't consider myself part of that generation. I cut "my" generation off at 2 years younger than me because I find that kids born after 87 have been all born with mental defects

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I thought you were older than me? I'm 26 and sure as shit don't consider myself part of that generation. I cut "my" generation off at 2 years younger than me because I find that kids born after 87 have been all born with mental defects

my taint needs licked - you seem fit for the job

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I thought you were older than me? I'm 26 and sure as shit don't consider myself part of that generation. I cut "my" generation off at 2 years younger than me because I find that kids born after 87 have been all born with mental defects

@Mexibad. You will find by reading the post below that your logic in this matter is true and sound.

my taint needs licked - you seem fit for the job

Please continue with the wiener roast!

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my taint needs licked - you seem fit for the job

I prefer tacos

Supposedly he has a "girlfriend" now. I am still trying to figure out if "she" is pre or post op

dont be jealous...she definitely always has been and still is. She has kid after all :lol:

:wtf: really? turtle got locked down by a feMale? shiiiiiit maybe the rapture DID happen saturday

this would be accurate, its a sign of the apocalypse for sure. I swore I'd only break down and date one girl but this one is too good to let get away...for now. She doesn't like my 2 year rule before I'd ever even consider getting engaged so I give her 6 months til shes had enough.

I'll have you guys know that she took the liberty to change the facebook thing while I was working on the bike. I came in and saw my facebook blown up and I said screw it, I'll let her have her fun. Plus shes been a one girl wrecking ball of all these other broads that deserve a little torture

@Mexibad. You will find by reading the post below that your logic in this matter is true and sound.

rep for knowing I'm right!

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