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Need to Borrow: Big ass ladder


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I need to put a piece of trim back on my house on the facia. Need it this weekend. I have a truck to pick it up in, and also budlight to leave at your house. Or if you preferred I can go classy and get some PBR:D

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i have a ladder I can't take care of anymore, and it needs a better home... but unless you're willing to give me a few bucks to PROVE you can give it a better home, then I can't, in good conscience, let you borrow this purebread ladder. I'm sorry.

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i have a ladder I can't take care of anymore, and it needs a better home... but unless you're willing to give me a few bucks to PROVE you can give it a better home, then I can't, in good conscience, let you borrow this purebread ladder. I'm sorry.

You're just immature and selfish, you should of never got the ladder if you can't take care of it. Stop being a DB and give the ladder to a good home!

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You're just immature and selfish, you should of never got the ladder if you can't take care of it. Stop being a DB and give the ladder to a good home!

look man, you need to cool your jets. this ladder was going into the clearance aisle the next day if i hadn't saved it from home depot. I also have a tool rack accessory and a truck mount I bought for it. that stuff ain't cheap, and I can't just give it away.

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i have a ladder I can't take care of anymore, and it needs a better home... but unless you're willing to give me a few bucks to PROVE you can give it a better home, then I can't, in good conscience, let you borrow this purebread ladder. I'm sorry.

I'll gladly take the ladder off your hands. I have a perfect spot in the garage where I can hang it, so I won't need any of the extra's that you have for it, but I do want to make it clear, I'm not going to pay you anything for it.

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i have a ladder I can't take care of anymore, and it needs a better home... but unless you're willing to give me a few bucks to PROVE you can give it a better home, then I can't, in good conscience, let you borrow this purebread ladder. I'm sorry.

I'll throw in 1.87$ so that ladder goes to a good home and you can recoup some dollhairs and same face from those about to pound on your soulless carcass.

Please note the pounderz will start their devastating attack on door #2.

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ladder in bed of truck = an additional 3' or so :D

by sister-in-law's boyfriend is really afraid of heights, and needed a hole drilled year the top of his house to vent an exhaust fan. I was drafted in to "help," which meant "do it for him."

We ended up building a ladder out of 2x4's and scrap pieces that we both had in our garages. It looked ghetto as hell, but It was pretty solid, and a lot cheaper than buying a ladder (we did buy four 16' lengths for the rails)

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I'll gladly take the ladder off your hands. I have a perfect spot in the garage where I can hang it, so I won't need any of the extra's that you have for it, but I do want to make it clear, I'm not going to pay you anything for it.

if you're not even willing to pay any money for the poor, under exercised ladder, how will i know you're willing to put in the time and have the resources to give the ladder a good, fulfilling life?

Even I, who at the age of 19, have amassed a fortune through my internationally renowned business empire, my own palace that my parents didn't buy me so i could live there during college (which, also, they're totally not paying for) and that the bank doesn't own, and other cool stories bro cannot give the ladder a good life.

I'll throw in 1.87$ so that ladder goes to a good home and you can recoup some dollhairs and same face from those about to pound on your soulless carcass.

Please note the pounderz will start their devastating attack on door #2.

it wouldn't be fair for the ladder. besides i already have offers from someone who is totally fucking real for the ladder. he who must not be named doesn't want to get involved, but he has a high roof line, a huge garage to store it in and lots of shit that needs doin with a ladder... his net worth is over 16.4$ million, which is just about the amount required to really do the ladder justice.

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