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Before you bitch that its completely different, a 300lb suicidal man 200 yards from shore in neck deep 54 degree water is just as deadly as a person with a gun.

It's completely different. Sorry :p:lol:

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It's hard to make out, but they've added a disclaimer to their logo, ironically the money spent

on adding the disclaimer was supposed to go towards additional training ;)


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Jumping in your backyard pool to save a friend is nothing compared to open water. I was a life guard for 6 years and pulled several people out of pools and two people out of Lake Erie. Then one year in March me and some friends were stupidly walking along the edge of Conneaut Creek shortly after thaw and my best friend fell in and was instantly in trouble from the current and cold water without even thinking I was in the water after him and even with all the adrenalin pumping dragging him to the shore was the hardest thing the water was so cold it took your breath away and your body doesn't want to move. Now had this friend jumped in to kill himself I would've done the same thing if it was an unknown person that fell in I would've done the same thing if it was some unknown person trying to kill themselves not a chance in hell I'd jump in.

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It's hard to make out' date=' but they've added a disclaimer to their logo, ironically the money spent

on adding the disclaimer was supposed to go towards additional training ;)


For your sake I hope that the emt or fire fighter that may someday have to save your life does not frequent this forum and see you bashing his brothers... the emts and fire fighters in this country deserve the utmost respect they put their lives on the line to save people every second of everyday.... they shouldn't have to stop and think about the outcome of their actions or worry if they will be sued those precious seconds could mean life or death

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Common sense people read this line and think again..

"He was engaged in a deliberate act of taking his own life," Lynch told the Mercury News. "We did not know whether he was violent, whether drugs were involved. It's not a situation of a typical rescue."

So what if the guy had a knife in his pocket waiting for someone to come and "save him"

This was not normal behavior by someone so you have no idea what their motives are or how they will react to someone intervening. Your humanitarian efforts to help save him may end up with you floating in the water before he does. Get the point!

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Common sense people read this line and think again..

"He was engaged in a deliberate act of taking his own life," Lynch told the Mercury News. "We did not know whether he was violent, whether drugs were involved. It's not a situation of a typical rescue."

So what if the guy had a knife in his pocket waiting for someone to come and "save him"

This was not normal behavior by someone so you have no idea what their motives are or how they will react to someone intervening. Your humanitarian efforts to help save him may end up with you floating in the water before he does. Get the point!


The guy wanted to die, so fuck him. Who knows if he would've been willing to take someone with him if he was that set on it

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For your sake I hope that the emt or fire fighter that may someday have to save your life does not frequent this forum and see you bashing his brothers... the emts and fire fighters in this country deserve the utmost respect they put their lives on the line to save people every second of everyday.... they shouldn't have to stop and think about the outcome of their actions or worry if they will be sued those precious seconds could mean life or death

I dont think he was bashing them. I look at is as the oath they took when being sworn in. I never blamed the men and women who stood by the shore side. It just sickens me that people had to sit and watch. I do agree it would be tuff to rescue someone in water. Years back another guy and myself had to pull a drunk out of a hot tub after he passed out. That was tough enough (granted we were all loaded).

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I dont think he was bashing them. I look at is as the oath they took when being sworn in. I never blamed the men and women who stood by the shore side. It just sickens me that people had to sit and watch. I do agree it would be tuff to rescue someone in water. Years back another guy and myself had to pull a drunk out of a hot tub after he passed out. That was tough enough (granted we were all loaded).

What were they watching though?? It was a guy was was wading out into the ocean. He wasn't in distress..he wasn't floundering around. He just walked out..waited for a while, and then went under. I could maybe see your point if he was actively flaying around....but that didn't happen. It's not as macabre as you make it out to be.

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Im not reading this entire thread, so I don't know if someone said it, but I'd be willing to bet if he had fallen in and was screaming for help someone would have.

Also by "helping" as the word means, standing by would be helping. Pulling him out to save him would be hindering what he wanted to do.

Edited by chevysoldier
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For your sake I hope that the emt or fire fighter that may someday have to save your life does not frequent this forum and see you bashing his brothers... the emts and fire fighters in this country deserve the utmost respect they put their lives on the line to save people every second of everyday.... they shouldn't have to stop and think about the outcome of their actions or worry if they will be sued those precious seconds could mean life or death

Ahhh, I like that comment. Soo with that logic (your own comment) they (the emt/fire or police) shouldn't have had to

stop and think that they didn't have a policy in effect to save this person, they should have just done it and worried about

the consequences later. See how that works both ways ;)

And I'm not bashing anyone, just poking a little bit of fun into a depressing topic.

Edited by SWing'R
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No, you wouldn't send the firefighters in a burning building without equipment, because everyone loves the firemen. That's when you send in the cops. They're expendable! Right?;)

Guess I'm screwed? :nono:

Ok to you armchair wanna be heros. Most of you here know I'm a Firefighter/Medic on 2 dept's .... That being said, I'd stand there and let him go too. My life is more important than that of someone who wants to commit suicide. I have taken water rescue classes, have you clowns condeming thier actions taken those classes???? It's the rescuer who usually drowns too either from the struggle or hypothermia. Take shit all you want but when it comes time to jump into 50 degree water to save someone who wants to die let me see you man up and do it, I'll watch you drown too. Am I cold and heartless, well maybe so. I have saved lives before and I've taken big risks doing so. I have fallen thru a floor of a burning house and I've went into the water too....to save people who didnt want to be there and that didnt want to die! You wanna kill yourself go right ahead I'm not gonna stop you. An innocent victim on the other hand I'll be the first one to try and help. Bash on fucktards, if you are man enough to do the job well go get your fire and emt cards and I'll put you on a truck with me for a few shifts and see if your opinion changes.

Quoted for truth.

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Ahhh' date=' I like that comment. Soo with that logic (your own comment) they (the emt/fire or police) shouldn't have had to stop and think that they didn't have a policy in effect to save this person, [b']

they should have just done it and worried about the consequences later. See how that works both ways ;)


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Swinger, you're a putz with little mans disease. Keep on talking shit, you would not have went in either. I'll be on the city Medic Tues and Fri this week, I should look into getting a rider waiver for you for Fri night bout 2200-0500 so you can see just what goes on and I can see if you'll man up when the shit hits the fan... and it will during those hours. Real easy to judge when you've not been there and done that. I have.

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