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March Photo Challenge


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With spring fast approaching and everyone itching to get out and ride I figured our first challenge should be fittingly motorcycle related. Our March challenge is:

Motorcycle still-life

This can be anything motorcycle related like parts, macros, clothing, toys... The still-life part is to avoid whole shots of motorcycles. We will have a have a motorcycle shoot challenge at a later date when the weather is more pleasant.

Now for the challenge rules. This is a first shot at the rules so we'll remain a bit flexible. I'm sure we'll work this out as we go.

- You must be the photographer.

- The photo must be shot during the month of the challenge

- Each photographer gets 1 submission a week during the challenge.

- Photo must be embedded/attached directly into your post.

- Keep file sizes/photo dimensions reasonable. You can link to a larger with the smaller embedded if you wish

- No voting or anything for a monthly winner yet. Let's keep it fun and positive.

- No comments that can be considered bashing.

- No explicit shots.

- All skill levels welcome.

- Get out and shoot!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright here's my photo, but there's nothing artistic or photographically great about it. I was doing some straightening up and found the knee pucks from when I wrecked my bike at the track at the end of 2008. Just took a quick shot...


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