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downed rider..lane ave.


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On a blue sport bike. From what I could see he got pushed off the road by a car changing lanes, and hit a stone wall. Was wearing a helmet but looked like he had a broken arm at least but I don't think anything life threatning. Hope it wasn't anyone on here. Good luck and heal quick brother.

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I was on lane around 845, the idiot level was off the charts. Hope the rider is okay

The idiot level was high for cagers all around Columbus. As light as the traffic is on 270, northeast corner, you would think the need to cut people off, and not get over for merging traffic would be low. Not at all. If I had been on the bike, I might have had to kick a door. Maybe I should have opened my car door into them (they were that close.)

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The idiot level was high for cagers all around Columbus. As light as the traffic is on 270, northeast corner, you would think the need to cut people off, and not get over for merging traffic would be low. Not at all. If I had been on the bike, I might have had to kick a door. Maybe I should have opened my car door into them (they were that close.)

Yea, I was on sawmill rd heading to 270 and traffic was a bit thick around 2 this afternoon. It was telhe idiots on 270 that's had me worried ended up getting boxed in somehow for a bit due to an assclown that wouldn't let me over so I made some room and took off. Not gonna ride in that area for a bit blinders seem to always be on.

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